
söndag 30 juli 2017

The Legacy of Space

This is written on July 30, 2017. It's about space and who will conquer it.

Many have been to space. Even some non-whites. Kudos to you.

But who commanded the spaceships in question? Who was top man aboard the space shuttle, rocketship etc.? Who was Responsible Man?

Without checking, I'd say 99% of spaceship commanders have been white men.

And as for spaceship crews in general: they have, of course, been overwhelmingly white.

We all know that.

Therefore, white man shall conquer space.

It's simply his bent of nature.

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White man shall conquer space. It's written in the stars.

Because, white man has an undying instinct of heading for the infinite. Like, going to space.

So, the race historically having an urge to go to space, white man, naturally will dominate space colonisation.

The non-white citizen won’t have the same inherent urge to go to space as white man. White man, the heir to the legacy of Kepler, Copernicus, Newton, Swarzschild, von Braun, Armstrong. And Bach, Shakespeare, Goethe. All viable Western art speaks of striving beyond the beyond. Striving for the infinite.

Thus, it's logical that space-faring man will be white man.

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White man will venture out into space, boldly going where no man has gone before. White men and women will be conquering new lands for man, land for him to till and cultivate and create new societies on. Lands of white men, lands of white culture – lands of responsible government, ordered communities, law and order. And, with due time, spiritual culture, art and science.

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So, again, white man will conquer space.

White man, Aryan man, Faustian man.

Only he has the drive to go there.

In the past, what race was most persistent in conceiving of the stars, the planets...?

The white race.

Indeed, there might have been stargazers and astronomers in other cultures. But the enduring scientific strain of looking at the stars and trying to fathom their inherent mechanics, that strain was an expression of white man, Aryan man, Faustian man.

A man breeding a culture of exploration, of going Beyond the Beyond, conceptually and tangibly.

The culture of Erathosthenes, Lucian, Gallilei, Brahe, Kepler, Copernicus, Newton, Verne, Wells, Tsiolkovskij, Burroughs, Bradbury, Heinlein, Goddard, Oberth, von Braun, Koroljov, Gagarin, Shephard, Glenn, Armstrong.

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For white man, going into space is a case of necessity. To other races, it's just “one of those things”.

Therefore, this space venture I see before me will be a predominantly white affair.

Science Fiction Seen from the Right
Going After the Saurian Baddies (short story)
My Biography
The Pleiades, a star cluster aka. The Seven Sisters.

torsdag 27 juli 2017

Now a Major Fantasy Novel

Is Carl Griffensteen the savior of man...?

Is he the one who will be...


tisdag 4 juli 2017

Towards an Understanding of Right-Wing SF: "Science Fiction Seen From the Right" and Why It Was Written

Science Fiction Seen From the Right is a sermon on conservative sf and fantasy.

My name is Lennart Svensson. In 2016, Australian imprint Manticore Books published my book-length essay Science Fiction Seen From the Right. On publication I posted this to present the book.

But I can say more about it. Much more. In the post you're now reading I will give some additional background.

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I was born in Sweden in 1965. I pretty early got to know about "science fiction," primarily by seeing TV-series such as Fenix 5, Star Trek and Space 1999. In the 1980s I started to read sf and fantasy in earnest, soon becoming active in Swedish sf fandom. I also became familiar with the English language which I now primarily write in.

When discussing sf in the fandom [link to Swedish blog post] of the 1980s and on, the drift among fans, writers, critics and editors was mainly of a left-leaning, anti-traditional, anti-conservative kind. For instance, "Heinlein" in those days was considered a label for either (1) mindless boyish adventure, or (2) reactionary attitudes. All told, in those days "Heinlein" was something of a Mark of Cain and a plague flag. This was true in both Swedish and British fandom of those days, maybe even in the US.

Since then, Heinlein has become mainstream even in the SF community at large.

So all is OK then? -- No. We of the right need to take back the radical conservative aspect of the Heinlein opus. Focusing on his early and mid-period work we have a bonanza of stories to revel in.

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I personally read some Heinlein back in the day. The 1940s and 1950s stuff. And I liked it.

And as time went by I discovered that this Heinlein figure was more than a teller of mindless adventures. More than just an ordinary American conservative. He conceptualised attitudes and ideas worth looking closer at -- right-wing attitudes, and as such not merely of the "libertarian, economic, pro-free enterprise" kind but of a generally traditionalist ilk, stressing the need for eternal values such as duty, honor and courage.

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Thus it was. Then, later, I thought: would it be possible to have this, Tradition in the form of traditional values, as an angle to look at 20th century sf and fantasy? Could a comprehensive study of "right-wing sf" be written, gathering my views and aspects of writers like Heinlein, Frank Herbert, C. S. Lewis, Tolkien, E. R. Burroughs, Lovecraft, Howard, Pournelle and Bradbury...?

At least, in 2015 I set out to write such an essay. And the next year it was published.

Exhaustive info on the book is given here. As I say there, the book also contains chapters on left-leaning or "neutral" writers of sf that nonetheless can be interesting to look at from a right-wing angle, the eternal values-angle (such as Clarke, Moorcock, Ballard, European dystopian writers, Philip K. Dick and van Vogt). There are also chapters on sf film, sf art, sf comics and the development of the genre as such.

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"Right" and "left" are topical issues in the sf field today. Heard about "the Hugo Wars"...? [Here's an entry in Swedish on the site Motpol explaining the Hugo Wars phenomenon.] Whatever the outcome the leftist hegemony in the field of SF has been challenged from 2014 and on. And as a man of the Right this, Science Fiction Seen From the Right, is my statement in the argument.

The book has been appreciated. For instance, on Counter-Currents, James O'Meara said of it: "[W]ith a title like Science Fiction from the Right, one can consider this an automatic purchase for anyone on the “Alt Right.”"

Also, the book was the main feature when I was interviewed by Red Ice Radio in June this year.

The Essay
Painters and Draughtsmen
The Swedenborg Machine
The Not-So-Good of Philip K. Dick
(In Swedish): Jag och sf-fandom