
lördag 22 augusti 2015

Modern Classic: The 2014 Jünger Bio

"Ernst Jünger -- A Portrait" was published in 2014. Many of you know this. And if you've forgotten, here's a reminder.

I just spoke with a guy. We came to talk about my Jünger biography. He asked me if it had a lot about Ernst Jünger's war experiences.

After some check-up I could tell him that the book as a whole has 288 pages. Of these, about 35 consist of a straightforward bio, a curriculum vitae. And of these 35 pages 7 pages are dedicated to Jünger's career in WWI, 12 to his career in WWII.

Further, chapter 2 is about Jünger and Nazism. Chapter 3 plus 5-7 treat Jünger's war-and-warrior-aspects during all of his career, like the element of the soldier archetype in his fiction. Then there are examinations of books like "Storm of Steel," "Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis," "Sturm" and the WWII diary. In these passages I went all the way, saying things As They Are, like telling of the battle as catharsis = the battle as an inner experience. Not a subject allowed to be discussed in "polite society", as far as I know.

Thus, Jünger the Soldier characterizes about 1/3 of "Ernst Jünger -- A Portrait". The rest delves on his roles as esotericist, novelist, political outsider in the postwar era, traveler and collector of insects and plants. The book has been reviewed by Living Traditions Magazine ("a biography of the very highest calibre") and Junge Freiheit ("weckt Lust"). And on Amazon this customer review can be found: "A must-read for fans of Junger."

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More Info About the Book
Living Traditions Review
Junge Freiheit Review

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