
onsdag 8 februari 2017

Forthcoming: A Novel by Yours Truly

My first novel in English is in the pipe. The title is "Redeeming Lucifer" and the publisher is UK-based Local Legend. ISBN 978-1-910027-20-2. Cover © Local Legend. -- Edit, 20 February 2017: now the novel is out.

God willing, my next book will be the novel Redeeming Lucifer. It's a 177 page fantasy adventure -- an outing into the astral world and beyond, a "Gnostic" story with connections to our world, a popular tale with serious intent.

The story begins in 1917 in Romania. At the time Romania was the theater for a struggle between Russia and Germany, and the hero of the novel, Carl Griffensteen, a captain of the Russian army, is sent to recce cantonements for a regimental staff. The ride takes him to the castle of a mysterious count, Count Alexandru, and from there on the plot widens into a cosmic story of good and evil, dark and light, with Captain Griffensteen in a pivotal role.

The publisher says of the book:
Redeeming Lucifer is a tale in the finest tradition of legendary deeds, a wonderful blend of esotericism, pure imagination and acutely observed historical fact. It is also one that challenges us all to examine the deeper purposes of our own lives.
Updates on the progress of the publishing will follow. Like, when it can be bought on internet bookstores. [Edit, 20 February 2017: now the novel is out.] -- As intimated, this will be my first novel in English. I've previously published novels in Swedish, like Antropolis. And in English I've published a short story, "The Middle Zone" in this anthology. So the coming roll-out of this project, the novel Redeeming Lucifer, is of course a rather great event for me personally.

Edit, 20 February 2017: now the novel is out.

Published: Redeeming Lucifer
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