
måndag 28 augusti 2017

Svensson: Temple and Tree (poem)

Hereby a poem, summing up the current being of its author, Lennart Svensson.

I am temple and tree,
the guru in the garden --

a golden guru going south,
a hat-clad don Juan,
Merlin the Magician --

a golden river flowing south,
arcane, hyaline, melting
the glacier of nihilism.

I am Martian Messiah,
Pleiadean Preacher --

"glowing God of Mars,
body burning bright" --

riding on the wind,
guided by the immemorial
voice of a myth --

teaching, preaching,
dreaming, scheming.

I am myth, math and metaphor,
the alchemy of time and

I am movement as a state
of mind: MAASOM.

I am a creative Self in
an ever-present Now.

Painters and Draughtsmen
The Swedenborg Machine
The Not-So-Good of Philip K. Dick
In Swedish: Jag och sf-fandom
In Swedish: Ett rike utan like
Pictures: (1) Skönsmon's church, Sundsvall (2) A painting by Henri Rousseau (3) The altar of Själevad's church, Övik (4) Unknown space art (5) Immanuel's church, Stockholm (6) A painting by Prince Eugen (7) A painting by van Gogh (8) Norwich cathedral (9) Detail from painting by unknown artist (10) Commercial photo, France.

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