
torsdag 28 september 2017

Litegrann om denna blogg

In Swedish. -- Denna blogg har funnits ett tag. Härmed en presentation.

Jag står på en udde vid Södra sundet. Himlen är ljus. Några dimstråk flyter fram över vattnet.

Fågellivet är ganska markant här. Kväkande änder, tornseglare, gråtrutar, skator, måsar. Jaminsann. Och små bruna varelser som jag inte vet namnet på. Brunsparvar, kanske?

Här finns det mycket. Jag står och tar in scenen, ser simhallen på andra sidan, domkyrkan på kullen, diverse bebyggelse inbäddad i grönska. Vattenspegel, gästhamn. Och så parken där jag själv står.

Och så, i skyn, hörs plötsligt ett klagande läte.

Vad är nu detta...?

Och sedan ser jag två svanar passera, görande en överflygning och sikta mot Västra kanalen för att omsider landa i nattviken.

Svanar: så mytologiskt. Lohengrin, Völundskvädet, Östan om solen och nordan om jorden...

- - -

Den här bloggen har funnits sedan november 2007. Det är snart dags för tioårsjubileum, med andra ord. Men inte idag.

Tills jubileet stundar kan ni kolla in nioårsjubileet. Eller varför inte femårsjubileet.

På denna blogg finns annars ett och annat. Som nationaldagstal. Här är det senaste.

På bloggen finns även detta debattinlägg om en svensk kulturikon, Åsa Linderborg och hennes vurm för Lenin. Det handlar om hur hon ansåg att "Lenin öppnade för en ny kultur."

Det kanske kan intressera.

- - -

Jag postar allt möjligt på denna blogg. Sakligheter och mer friflygande texter. Till det senare hör poesi och dylikt. Här är till exempel dikten "På Tempelberget".

Och här är Norrlandsdikten "Solsken över ett kalhygge". Jag föddes i Norrland 1965. Här är hela min biografi.

Jag är norrlänning och mer Norrland finner man här, i ett inlägg kallat Åselehaiku.

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På bloggen har det genom åren recenserats diverse skönlitteratur. Här är tre exempel ur högen:

. Borges: Ficciones (1945)

. Hassel: Döden på larvfötter (1958)

. Wilderäng: Midvintermörker (2012)

- - -

Und so weiter. På denna blogg finns det med andra ord mycket.

Jag kan fortsätta länka i all oändlighet men detta får räcka. Nu ska jag gå på Kabyssen och dricka en kopp öl.

Arméstaben: SoldF 1957
Evola: Ride the Tiger (1961)
Nicholls: Fantasi och vetenskap i science fiction (1984)
Finland efter 1945

tisdag 26 september 2017

Astral War

"Is this a vision or astrality I see before my eyes...?" -- Edit 2023: the ideas discussed below is now included in the essay Astral War, to be bought on amazon.

A war is raging on the planet today. A war called the astral war.

This is the main label. But it can also be called spirit war, holy war, propaganda war, media war, frequency war, energy war, psychic war, silent war, virtual war, spectral war – and, in German, Kulturkampf and Weltanschauungskrieg.

This fight is old. It has been going on since the dawn of time, since the primordial existence of dark and light. The Demiurge stands for the dark, God stands for the light.

The phrase itself, “astral war,” was coined by Chilean author Miguel Serrano (1917-2009). In The Golden Cord (1978) he said:
The war will be a celestial War, an Astral War, a Psychic War. It will be in Heaven but the results of this war will be seen on Earth.
Details aside, this concept helps you to see beyond the battles fought on material battlefields. To see beyond the material war and see the energy war, the spirit war.

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We're all fighting the astral war. No one is neutral. Every mind-endowed, thinking, living human being is an astral warrior. Surfing on the net and being exposed to its images and texts is astral war. Reading a book is astral war. Talking to the man in the street is astral war.

In this, you have of course to be a mindful operator and not a mindless one. The mindless actor is quickly devoured by the Demiurge. The mindful actor exudes light and fights his way with a virtual light saber.

- - -

The astral war is a somewhat abstract war, not a tangible, old-school, boots-on-the-ground war. However, such tangible action taking place becomes part of the astral war when given a propagandistic spin. This is the main reason why The Powers That Be still fight material wars: to conceptualize them as part of the imperialistic narrative, of good vs. evil, the Empire vs. indigenous peoples and such.

This view is in harmony with the concept of “4g warfare,” the modern type of warfare where the propagandistic, immaterial element is given a prominent place. Old-school warfare was fought with invasions, mass armies and industrial mobilization; today’s war is essentially an astral war, a propaganda war directed at our minds.

- - -

The astral war is raging and no one is neutral. There are no non-combatants in this war. It’s a total war, total in the sense that no act, no thought, no feeling is unimportant.

The mindful actor controls his every thought and every emotion and thus avoids being brainwashed. The mindless actor, on the other hand, has no control of his thoughts and emotions and is virtual cannon fodder in this conflict.

- - -

The astral war is a war for your soul. Your soul is the battlefield.

And your soul is everything. Idam sarvam, yad ayam âtmâ.

Therefore, the astral war being a war for your soul, is a total war.

- - -

No one is neutral in this war. The only viable exemption warrant would be a declaration of insanity, signed by a psychiatrist.

So, those of you who are clinically insane, step aside, leave the battlefield and to the loony bin with you.

The rest of you must learn how to fight the astral war -- and win. You must learn how to oppose the Demiurge, the Eagle, the blind idiot god Azathoth, writhing at the center of the cosmos to the idiot piping of a demon flute.

We are opposing this darkness. We are opposing the Demiurge, bent on devouring our souls. We strive for the light, we strive for acknowledging and maintaining the soul light, the Inner Light, a fragment of the Divine Light.

We are the Army of the Light fighting the Army of the Dark. See my novel Redeeming Lucifer for a vision of such a battle.

- - -

To survive in the astral war, you must live a mindful life.

The following is what living a mindful life is, and the counterpart to it. To live a life hooked to mainstream media, constantly being upset by this and that happening, constantly hoping for paradise, constantly fearing hell – the person living such a life is insane. He is controlled by the Empire. He is astral war cannon fodder.

On the contrary, a person having will controlling his thought lives in equanimity. He entertains his mind with reading, deliberation and meditation. That person is viable astral warrior material.

Control every though and emotion and survive in the energy war. Or, live like a ship without a sail and be devoured by the Demiurge. You choose.

- - -

There is no neutrality in the astral war. You either support the freedom of the will, the freedom of expression, the freedom of thought, the freedom from oppression by The Powers That Be.

Information is light. To enable the flow of information is to fight for the light. Conversely, to hinder information is to support the dark side.

The astral war needs actors – mindful actors – you. To serve the light calls for action – dedicated action – weaponized mindfulness.

Astral War -- the book
Redeeming Lucifer (2017)
Inspiration -- Initiation -- Inebriation
Painting: Robert Svensson

söndag 24 september 2017

Inspiration -- Initiation -- Inebriation

Welcome to this blog post. The title of it is, "Inspiration -- Initiation -- Inebriation".

I am.

I am a spiritualist, a mystic and an adept.

I stand for “inspiration, initiation, inebriation”. I stand for mindful, perennial tradition against the forces of materialism ruling the world.

In the materialist miasma abounding today, I weaponize my “I AM”. I sum up my will-thought and passion to fight the ever-ongoing spirit war, propaganda war, energy war, astral war. The astral war war is an immaterial war, a spectral war, a holy war.

- - -

So, again: I am.

I am an astral warrior, a spirit warrior – total man, absolute man, acknowledging the whole against reductive nonsense, the big picture against fragmentation. I stand for gods and devas, heroes and heroines, myth and legend, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, artistic freedom.

I am an astral warrior. I am the astral war. I have fought it for as long as I can remember.

And this I know: you can’t win this war if you haven’t got a will to win.

You can’t win this war if you haven’t got a vision of victory.

You can’t win the astral war if you don’t acknowledge your own spiritual being.

And that acknowledgement, that affirmation, do I need to spell it out again, is – I AM.

- - -

I’m energy, action, will, thought and passion.

I AM the unstoppable fire.

I AM the Martian Messiah and the Pleiadean Preacher, the thunder of the tundra, the pilgrim of the palearctic zone and beyond.

I want to be this preacher and teacher, I want to be at this specific moment of history. I affirm my being, my inner light.

I AM the last court of appeal of esoteric ontology.

I AM the last prophet of the I AM. After me, all mindful people will sooner or later have acknowledged their I AM. And then Sat Yuga will be realized. A new golden age for man will dawn.

- - -

The first prophet of the I AM was Manu. Q.v. Mânava-dharma-shâstra.

The second prophet of the I AM was Jesus Christ. Q.v. The Gospel of John.

The third prophet of the I AM was Rudolf Steiner. Q.v. Das Johannesevangelium (1910).

The fourth and possibly last prophet of the I AM is me. Q.v. Actionism (2017).

- - -

After my work is done the golden age will be here, enabling a traditional society where the strong are just, the weak secure and the peace preserved.

The law will be upheld by a judiciary, a police force and a military free from co-opting by mindless forces.

Media will stop brainwashing people and instead strive for the truth.

The academia will teach the truth and not be a venue of dualistic regimentation.

Hospitals and pharmaceutical ventures will cure people, not poison them.

- - -

After due cleaning-out of the current chaos harassing Earth, mankind will face a new dawn, a new renaissance, a Sat Yuga of truth to replace the Kâlî Yuga of death still lingering. The formal epochal break came in the autumn of 2011; then, mankind reached a new level in its development, according to C. J. Calleman and others. Now, it’s left for every individual to realize the shift within.

That's just the way it is.

Astral War
Actionism -- How to Become a Responsible Man
Redeeming Lucifer
Table of Contents
Castaneda: Words and Concepts
Photo montage by LS.

fredag 22 september 2017

Sigfrid Kall står pall

In Swedish. -- Härmed en kortnovell om en diskret trumslagare i tillvaron: Sigfrid Kall.

Han hette Sigfrid Kall. Han var en kall typ. Dessutom var han en slim nordisk figur, verksam i mediabranschen. Nu satt han i sin lägenhet på Norrlandsgatan och sa till sin papegoja:

"Jag vill dö... nej, seriöst. Döden är ju tabu. Men tänk vilken poetisk kraft det är i ord som 'dö, döden, avlida'."

"Men dö då," sa papegojan, "det är väl ingen big deal. Vi ska alla dö. Och jag skulle ju inte sörja dig för du är ju bara som en matserverande maskin för mig."

"Nej, tycker du det?" sa Kall och tände en cigarrett.

"Nja," sa papegojan, en vit kakadua vid namn Stoss, "lite känner jag väl för dig. Men inte mycket. Jag älskar papegojor."

"Jaha," sa Kall. "Jag säger som en okänd internetpoet: 'Jag vill dö'."


"Ja," sa Kall, "'verkligen' i så måtto att det där verkligen är ett citat från en poesisajt i det 21:a århundradet. En rad bara. 'Jag vill dö.'"

"Dö då."

"Nu dör jag."

Men Kall dog inte, han levde vidare för att röka sin cigg och snöa in på tillvarons irrgångar.

Tänk på döden
Byxdress i Düsseldorf
Typ: Förståndig
Typ: Turist
En asiatisk briljans över västerlandets konstans

torsdag 14 september 2017

Svensson: Styx Medon, Soldier of the 25th Century (short story)

These are excerpts of a science fiction novel. The author of the text is Lennart Svensson, creator of Burning Magnesium.

This is about one guy named Styx Medon, a soldier of a future war. And the war is fought between the Irmgaal Union and the Taurian Empire -- a war beginning in AD 2401 with the Taurian, alien enemy attacking man's interstellar realm, Irmgaal. In this, Styx Medon is tested to the limit and, eventually, rising through the ranks.

In Part 1 Medon is a Sergeant. In Part 2, he's out riding a soaring craft. And in Part 3, he's promoted 1st Lieutenant.

I won't give you any more details. These are just teasing excerpts. Maybe you'll enjoy them.

More in the same vein -- sf stories on this blog -- could be this one.

And more fiction by me, in novel form, can be had in this book, a fantasy. Or in this book, an historical novel.


Medon thanked for the assistance, peeked inside the new corridor and then threw a Q-grenade to be on the safe side. He waited for the explosion and then led the patrol along the smooth, steel-lined corridor. Kind of like in the caves of Memensia of my youth, he thought.

Strange echoes were heard from afar. Finally, the corridor led them into a vast chamber, a large hall with walls in silvery white, concrete grey and sandstone red. There were screens of polypropane, instruments of monometal and monel plastic, tarpaulins of isometane fiber and cantilevers of diffusion steel. Medon sent his people securing the premises with himself going up a ladder into a cupola, looking out through the prisms and seeing a group of A-20:s hovering in the skies above.


Medon and Knake flew in a C-30 over the northern outskirts of Giuffria. They were going to 3rd Division HQ for a briefing. Down below they could see wrecks of Taurian rectangle craft, bombed out woods and the advancing columns of Irmgaal.

“What do we see?” Knake said.

“It’s the rest of the breakthrough,” Medon said to his deputy. “We’ve penetrated the Taurian lines here on Balta and made the enemy fall back.”

“And then...?”

“Then we’ve approached a fortress called Serlingue, a strongpoint in the enemy’s second line of defense.”

“And where are we heading now? The two of us, today?”

“We are heading for an HQ to be briefed by General Syntag.”

They sat opposite each other by a porthole. Suddenly Knake got sight of an enormous crater in the terrain. He pointed towards it and said:

“What’s that?”

Medon looked at it, pondered and said:

“It must be from the orbo before the landings.”

“But we didn’t land here.”

“No, but we laid prep fire here.”

The crater was about two kilometers in diameter, a giant kettle being bombed out by a 1,000-ton lump of steel. This block had been hurled from a spaceship in orbit and then impacted here. In one word, it was an orbo, acronym for "orbital bomb".


Medon got his commission on December 20. Then he went for some R&R in Tuxee, again meeting with Snofrid for some magic days with wining, dining and play; golden days, poetry and song, swimming in a sea of love...

Then their dream was torn apart, ripped asunder by the sound of a capsule thumping down in the pneumatic tube receiver in their apartment. Medon awoke and for a moment wondered where he was, groping for the woman lying by his side, tumbling over the remains of yesterday’s dreams, getting hold of the capsule and extricating its contents.

He tried to discern what it read but his eyes wouldn’t focus, he was still sleepy. He took a packet of cigarettes from a sideboard, lit one and inhaled the smoothly flavored smoke.

A cold morning light filtered through the Venetian blind. Snofrid was sound asleep. Medon smoked his cigarette slowly, treating his lungs with the ethereal drug. Then he stubbed it out, unfurled the paper of the tube and read:
Unit Code Office Number Valid From
227768 932 2406-12-05
Order For
2380-03-25 Medon, STYX
98864, Dersu, District 43, Tuxee
You are hereby ordered to report for duty at 3rd Division, Guards Battle Group,
2nd Batt, D Comp, on 2407-01-02. Appointment as COMPANY
COMMANDER. You are hereby promoted 1st Lieutenant.
Guards Battle Group, Medon thought, that’s nice, although it’s another battalion since last we met. And company commander and 1st Lieutenant, well that’s alright with me...! It’s about time. And I’m no absolute beginner, I’ve commanded a company already, in the toughest conditions conceivable: in lethal combat against the Taurians.

Another SF short by Me: Johnnie Holt
Burning Magnesium (2018)
Redeeming Lucifer (2017)
Ernst Jünger -- A Portrait (2014)
Illustration by LS

måndag 4 september 2017

Book News: Actionism -- How to Become a Responsible Man (Svensson 2017)

This is the new book by renowned author Lennart Svensson. It's called "Actionism" and it can be bought here, on Adlibris and here, on

If you want a self-help guide teaching you how to live a will-powered life, this is the book for you.

This is Actionism -- How to Become a Responsible Man.

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The creed is called Actionism since we all have to act.

That is, you might think that you can live without acting -- living like a recluse, the "vita contemplativa" doing nothing.

This is an illusion.

We all have to act. Even the placid recluse, the mild-mannered hermit spending his day meditating.

Because, we all have to sustain our bodies. We all have to breathe, drink and eat.

Thus, we all have to act.

Thus, "we are all Actionists". We all live a "vita activa".

- - -

For starters, this book sketches essential reality, all founded in perennial thought. Then, an ethic is delieanted on the basis of this, having willpower, reason and passion to the fore. It's about "memento mori", "action as being" and "winning as propensity" and other arousing memes.

Next the book looks at the "actionist" aspects of the life and thought of d'Annunzio, T. E. Lawrence, Castaneda and Julius Evola.

The following chapters deliberate on how to conduct operations -- military, intelligence, catering etc.

The book also looks at how to arrange an Actionist society. And there are chapters on history, the impossibility today of major war, Antropolis and other pertinent stuff.

This is Actionism -- How to Become a Responsible Man.

- - -

A summary of the Actionist philosophy is this:
Actionism is about summoning your Will to lead your Thought, merging the two to Will-Thought and affirming the Inner Light, a spark of the Divine Light. To all this, saying “I AM” is the performative confirmation.

[Actionism in 36 Words, p 4]
- - -

Product info:

Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Manticore Press (August 14, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0994595875
ISBN-13: 978-0994595874
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.9 x 10 inches

Universal Praise for Actionism
Lennart Svensson: a Short Biography
Buy the Book on Adlibris
Buy the Book on
Buy the Book on

söndag 3 september 2017

Robert Svensson-retrospektiven i Sundsvall, april 2017

In Swedish, about a Swedish art exhibition. It showcased art of my deceased brother Robert. A bio in English of him is to be found here. -- En retrospektiv utställning hölls i våras i Sundsvall. Objekt: Robert Svenssons måleri. Jag nämnde eventet här på bloggen, som en utannonsering före. Härmed en exposé över hur det hela såg ut i färdigt skick. -- Bilden överst visar Robert Svensson då han ännu var i livet, någon gång i början av 2000-talet. Han levde 1963-2016.

Till Norrlands ungdom (olja).

Nordingråkust (olja).

Färgspel (olja).

Havet (akvarell). -- Inrikespolitisk rapport (foto).

Söråselesjön (olja). -- Sommar i Söråsele (olja).

Akvedukt, rosa himmel (olja).

Längst till höger, Motiv från Nordingrå (olja).

Balingsta kyrka (olja).

Svenska Sörgårdsidyller (akvarell). -- Tranor vid Överön (akvarell).

Lupiner (akvarell). -- Passage till Paradiset (akvarell).

Den röda båten (akvarell).

Robert Svensson: mina minnen av min bror
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