
söndag 24 september 2017

Inspiration -- Initiation -- Inebriation

Welcome to this blog post. The title of it is, "Inspiration -- Initiation -- Inebriation".

I am.

I am a spiritualist, a mystic and an adept.

I stand for “inspiration, initiation, inebriation”. I stand for mindful, perennial tradition against the forces of materialism ruling the world.

In the materialist miasma abounding today, I weaponize my “I AM”. I sum up my will-thought and passion to fight the ever-ongoing spirit war, propaganda war, energy war, astral war. The astral war war is an immaterial war, a spectral war, a holy war.

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So, again: I am.

I am an astral warrior, a spirit warrior – total man, absolute man, acknowledging the whole against reductive nonsense, the big picture against fragmentation. I stand for gods and devas, heroes and heroines, myth and legend, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, artistic freedom.

I am an astral warrior. I am the astral war. I have fought it for as long as I can remember.

And this I know: you can’t win this war if you haven’t got a will to win.

You can’t win this war if you haven’t got a vision of victory.

You can’t win the astral war if you don’t acknowledge your own spiritual being.

And that acknowledgement, that affirmation, do I need to spell it out again, is – I AM.

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I’m energy, action, will, thought and passion.

I AM the unstoppable fire.

I AM the Martian Messiah and the Pleiadean Preacher, the thunder of the tundra, the pilgrim of the palearctic zone and beyond.

I want to be this preacher and teacher, I want to be at this specific moment of history. I affirm my being, my inner light.

I AM the last court of appeal of esoteric ontology.

I AM the last prophet of the I AM. After me, all mindful people will sooner or later have acknowledged their I AM. And then Sat Yuga will be realized. A new golden age for man will dawn.

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The first prophet of the I AM was Manu. Q.v. Mânava-dharma-shâstra.

The second prophet of the I AM was Jesus Christ. Q.v. The Gospel of John.

The third prophet of the I AM was Rudolf Steiner. Q.v. Das Johannesevangelium (1910).

The fourth and possibly last prophet of the I AM is me. Q.v. Actionism (2017).

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After my work is done the golden age will be here, enabling a traditional society where the strong are just, the weak secure and the peace preserved.

The law will be upheld by a judiciary, a police force and a military free from co-opting by mindless forces.

Media will stop brainwashing people and instead strive for the truth.

The academia will teach the truth and not be a venue of dualistic regimentation.

Hospitals and pharmaceutical ventures will cure people, not poison them.

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After due cleaning-out of the current chaos harassing Earth, mankind will face a new dawn, a new renaissance, a Sat Yuga of truth to replace the Kâlî Yuga of death still lingering. The formal epochal break came in the autumn of 2011; then, mankind reached a new level in its development, according to C. J. Calleman and others. Now, it’s left for every individual to realize the shift within.

That's just the way it is.

Astral War
Actionism -- How to Become a Responsible Man
Redeeming Lucifer
Table of Contents
Castaneda: Words and Concepts
Photo montage by LS.

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