
onsdag 12 oktober 2022

Poem, 12 October 2022

Good morning. Hereby a study in magical realism.

Mid October, mid autumn...

You know what it's like...

You feel like saying things like this...


When the dark forces gain the upper
hand, I descend to fight for the light...
you know this... for as the scripture says,
“Whenever and wherever religion is in danger,
and irreligon is on the rise – then I descend”...
thus we read in the Gītā, chapter 4, verse 7...

That’s what I say... and you all
know the original... the śloka meter
with its peculiar vibe... in this way...
yadā yadā hi dharmasya
glānir bhavati bhārata
abhyutthānam adharmasya
tadātmānaṃ sṛjāmy aham
And then...

And then...

And then we read in this venerable revelation of the Lord,
“To deliver the pious and to crush the miscreants, and to
uphold dharma, I appear time and again” (4.8)...
paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṃ
vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām
sambhavāmi yuge yuge
That’s what I do... I descend, I become an
avatar among you, here on earth...

In short, I'm a man-god --
a superman -- an übermensch...

I'm a myth -- you're a man.

I’m energy -- you’re matter.

Jack Steelnack -- superman in a sidecap
Sanskrit poem
Burning Magnesium (2018)
Hyperborean history

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