
lördag 18 maj 2024

Preachment 6: Superman

Greetings, disciple. You wanted to hear more about the superman... well, here it is... a superman preachment. Enjoy.

In "Preachment 5" lately I metioned the superman... the overman, the "man plus"...

This has awoken your interest.

Now you want to hear more about this fascinating subject... now you want to know how to become such a superstar.

And here's the crash course: you just want it... "wishing it, wanting it, getting it"... that's the secret...

You just meditate on a pertinent mantra... like "I am superman"... or "Absolute Man, Total Man, Magician Man"... or Künstler, Genie, und Held...

Next, act the part... walk around with a body language that says, “I AM”.

And if you want a doctrine to study, a published book, read Actionism... it prepares you for supermanist ecstasy... it teaches you how to sum up your WILL...

Willpower, vision, and compassion, that's the threefold flame that will shine forever in the temple of Supermanism...


The Actionist is no debating intellectual, instead he lives in a land where reality is expressed in symbols, myths, colors, sounds, riddles...

Hierarchy... spirituality... order... that's the lodestars of tomorrow...


To live in a constant, spiritual state of emergency...
A constant crusade against materialism...

Constant prayer –
Constant meditation –
Constant “vision quest” –

Ständiger Ausnahmezustand...!

Total mobilization.
Heading for the Magic Zeropoint.

Believe –
Fight –
Shine –


Honor death.
Cherish life.


I am the chosen one, doing what has to be done.
I am the savior of the human race, bringing endless grace.
I am the hero of the new age.
I am the operational sage.
I’m a teacher and a preacher, a stargazer and a street-racer.


How to become Superman? – Just say to yourself, “I am superman,” again and again.


Move over, old-timer!
This is a construction site, a “hard hat area”...!
We will build, we will grow, we will envision
A new-old edifice, an archaic futurity.
We are gods worshipping God,
And now nothing will be impossible for us...
Now nothing stands in our way.


I create, thus I exist...
Ago, ergo sum...
“An Amfang war die Tat...!”


The mindful superman acknowledges the divine light within... lifting himself by his bootstraps to become more than what he is...


The world is a riddle... and the superman is the answer.

I give man absolute power by proclaiming an Absolute Self... ātman is connected to the paramātman... tad ātmānam evāved – aham brahmāsmi...

The moment you discover WILL = a surging rush of power.

I am the Master of Willpower... and I WANT to be the Master of Willpower.


I am the true lightbearer.
My “let there be light” shall create the world anew,
Depolarize the darkness into a new aeon of light...

Preachment 5: God and man
Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach. The Sundown

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