
fredag 21 juni 2024

New infinities

Good Morning. I am a lot, I do a lot... hereby a summary of my being.

I am the Jester of Chaos --
the Clown of the New Infinities --
the Orpheus of Eternity --
the Emcee of Magical Realism...

All this I am now.

I am Taiga Messiah, taigaland Messiah –
wood Messiah, woodland Messiah –
pine Messiah, pinewood Messiah...
Blue Messiah, blue sky Messiah –
red Messiah, red world Messiah –
green Messiah, green day Messiah –
gold Messiah, golden Messiah...
Ruby Messiah, red ruby Messiah –
diamond Messiah, shiny diamond Messiah –
pearl Messiah, Pearly Gate Messiah...

I am the Messiah of the north, the cosmic preacher
of the Palearctic zone...

There I stand preaching on my mountain... only God listens...
time to write a deathless poem... an exhibition
of sheer precision... a stupendous painting in
words, summarizing life, art, and politics in
the 2020s... a tough call, but someone’s
gotta do it... no one else but me has the mythopoetic
gift of fusing word and thought, image and concept,
into a new amalgam, a striking alchemical mixture...
and here it is... that vision... a vision saying, cheers
to you all, enjoy yourselves, feel the burn from the
Flaming Sword... nice ain’t it… yeah... nice and sleazy,
as the Stranglers sang... nice and sleazy does it...
does it every time.

The Flaming Sword (short story)
Swedish Mystique
Richard Wagner -- A Portrait
Redeeming Lucifer
Diorama made by me LS

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