
måndag 25 april 2016

Review: The Illuminoids (Wilgus 1980)

Secret History can be interesting. And Neil Wilgus might be the right man to guide the reader through its nooks and crannies. His book is entitled ”The Illuminoids” and was issued in USA in 1978. This is based on the British 1980 NEL issue.


We live today in a kind of virtual war: propaganda war, frequency war, a war of nerves. Your inner mind is the battlefield.

To win in this war we must stay cool and stay informed. As for spreading information about grey area operations, fact books is one way to go. 

From this view, that of highlighting the viable factbook, the readable, succinct factbook, I will now take a look at Neil Wilgus’s ”The Illuminoids”. It was issued over 30 years ago but it still has something to tell us. Wilgus admits the grey area character of his subject -- the secret history of the West -- and in doing this portrays an area of research often shunned by manistream academics. At the same time Wilgus tries to stay critical of the worst excesses of conspiracy research.

As intimated, you should not fictionalize this subject. In this respect, Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea’s ”Illuminatus” trilogy from 1975 has not aged as well as Wilgus’s book. Their novel is rather lively and intriguing as such – but to have the elite club in question not as villains but as some kind of ”give them the benefit of the doubt, who knows what’s right or wrong” is out of sync with the zeitgeist. Sinister forces has run the Westworld from the sidelines since at least the 1700s – and Neal Wilgus, in his factbook-cum-essay, portrays this better than Shea-Wilson in their hip novel trilogy.

Wilgus was right in writing a nonfiction book on the subject. He had read the Wilson-Shea trilogy, however, as intimated his own ”The Illuminoids” takes a critical approach to the written sources concerned. This attitude holds its ground. This approach to the material still benefits us today, 35 years later, when we are in the process of ridding the world of the globalist elite club empire.


Neil Wilgus writes about the historical Illuminati, secret dealings, crimes, wars and rigged ”secret history moves” in ”The Illuminoids”. The title per se is meant to be a derivation of the Illuminati, meaning ”like / of the Illuminati” or somesuch. Wilgus’s sources include Nesta Webster’s ”World Revolution – The Plot Against Civilization” (1921) and ”Secret Societies and Subversive Movements” (1924), John Robison’s ”Proofs of a conspiracy” (1797) and Clarence Kelly’s ”Conspiracy Against God and man” (1974).

Now let’s take a look at the contents. The first half of the 190 page book is a captivatng narrative of elite club doings in Europe and the US from the 1700s and on. The latter half of the book is made up of diverse timelines and chronicles, repeating some of what’s gone before and adding some new facts.

Chapter one, for its part, is called ”Some Founding Fathers” (p 17), telling of the founding of the Illuminati in 1776, its prosperity and subsequent forbidding ten years later (but the group continued to exist in spite of it). Then is depicted secret aspects of the American Revolution: it is told in detail about George Washington, secret club involvment and the occult imagery of the US government seal. This was unknown to many in 1978 but today it’s common knowledge.

Chapter two is called ”A Rogue’s Gallery” (p 34), covering the French revolution. With figures like Mirabeau, abbé Sieyes, Talleyrand, the Duke of Orléans, Cagliostro, the diamond necklace affair, the German Union (1787) as a new Illuminati form, dr. theol Karl Bahrdt, Anarcharsis Clootz, and the Count Saint Germain as alchemist. Of the latter I’ve blogged here.

Chapter three is called ”Evolution of Revolution” (p 50), containing more about the French revolution. This chapter succinctly treats figures like Franz Anton Mesmer, the Marquis de Sade and Meyer Amschel Rothschild, p 51-52. Then there are some notes on the secret history of the 1700s before the revolution, with Diderot and the Encyclopaedists, Montequieu, Voltaire and Rousseau. We even read of Beaumarchais who wrote the plays ”The Barber of Seville” and ”The Marriage of Figaro,” later set to music by Mozart. Also, we read about Casanova, Tom Paine, Philippe Buonarroti and Louis de Saint-Just, a Jacobin, all of it told in a witty style, trying to capture the grey area of secret society Europe.


Chapter four is entitled ”The Illuminoids” (page 68), taking up a few loose ends and giving us the secret history development to the present day (= the day of Wilgus’s writing, the mid 1970s). Here are mentioned such as Spanish alumbrados, Saint-Martin, Willermooz, Raymond Lull and the Middle East’s assassins (hashishin). On page 75f is told the story of the Nine Unknown, also covered by Pauvels and Bergier in ”Morning of the Magicians” (Fr. 1960, Eng. 1963, reportedly, a survey of the debunk kind, however, might still be worth the effort). – Furthermore are treated Manichaeism, Sufism, Atlantis, Guy Warren Ballard and the I AM strain. Any follower of this my blog knows that I AM is the moral-ontological statement of all times. The rest of the chapter (p 84-110) provides many clues to America’s secret history during the 1800 and 1900s, some of which I will elaborate upon below.

Chapter five is called ”An Illuminated Chronology” (p 113). This is a timeline from shortly before 1776, the Illuminati founding, to today.

Chapter six is called ”An Outline of Illuminated History” (p 137). This is a timeline from Atlantis to today, with various digressions in the maze of facts surrounding secret history.

Finally, we have ”Sources of Illumination” (p 177), a list of sources and some additional information.


As we have seen Wilgus begins his book by talking about the 1700s, ”the times of Wigs, Horses and Muskets” with names like Washington, Mirabeau, Robespierre and Casanova etc. etc. All this has its interest but I will not go into it here. In the rest of this review I will look into various aspects of secret history of recent times, phenomena Wilgus elaborates upon with a rather balanced and – important! – not dismissive style. He is not out to debunk, like many other ”respectable” writers of the subject tend to be. Overall, Wilgus has noted the circumstantial evidence and deemed that it can not be ignored. You can’t debunk him because he’s got vast resources of bunk...!

A subject treated in chapter four is the establishment of the US Federal Reserve bank, as such, a privately owned cartel issuing debt notes, pretending to be a national bank issuing money. Wilgus relates some already known, yet interesting facts such as the following. – In the US state of Georgia there is an island called Jekyll Island. In a mansion on this island some top names in banking and finance held a meeting in November 1910. Two top politicians who attended were Deputy Minister of Finance A. Platt Andrew and Senator Nelson Aldrich. From the banking sector participated J. P. Morgan-men such as Henry P. Dawson, Charles D. Norton and Benjamin Strong and the Rockefeller-man Frank Wanderlip. The meeting resulted in plans that led to the founding of America’s privately owned Federal Reserve.

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Wlgus also tells of the Anti-Mason movement in the United States, a failed attempt in the 19th century to stop the elite club governance. – That the United States was founded by Masons is not a secret. Washington, Jefferson and other fathers of the republic were active in the secret society of Freemason. Freemasonry as such may have some spiritual strains but on the top levels it soon got hi-jacked and co-opted by power-mad operators of the illuminoid kind.

Then came an American opposition to Freemasonry. A significant example is William Morgan’s book from 1826 in which Masonic activities were revealed: ”Illustrations from Freemasonry”. This gave rise to a protest movement against this secret club. For example, in 1830 was held anti-Masonic conventions in Massachusetts and Vermont where they presented evidence that the Freemasons had been taken over by the subversive, atheist-nihilist Illuminati, founded in 1776 in Bavaria. Illuminati had on his program the abolition of the family, private property, inheritance rights, patriotism and religion, and the establishment of a world state, so you can understand that people were upset. In light of the revelations, a new political party in the United States became the Anti-Masonic Party. They stood in the presidential election in 1832. But no breakthrough was reached either then or later this decade. The party was disbanded in 1838.


Then there are som lines on the silver standard and uts drama. Even in the Bible, under King Solomon, silver was belittled. ”Silver was not considered valuable in the days of Salomon,” it says in 2 Chronicles 9:21. This is seen as an early devaluation of silver coining by the pseudonym R. E. Search in ”Lincoln Money Martyred” (1935). But the Bible passage does not speak of the coin, but how Solomon preferred gold for household items and art objects. Coins didn’t begin to be used until several centuries later, according to established history. About Search and the antique currency debate we read in page 87 of Wilgus’s book.

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Can political murders generally be attributed to conspiracies? Is the theory of ”the lone madman” a routinely put up cover story? Indeed, there are indicia that many famous presidential, prime minister and head of state murders may have been planned. Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, Stolypin, President McKinley, Kennedy, M. L. King, Malcolm X and so on and so on.

For instance, Wilgus relates suspicions concerning Secretary of Defese James Forrestal’s death in 1945 at Bethesda Hospital Neuroligical Ward. Even Joseph McCarthy died there in 1957, officially of jaundice but according to secret history theory, a deliberately injected drug overdose (mescaline or LSD), which may have made him suicidal. Cooper has more details on the Forrestal-murder.

Drugs: it is since the 1970s proved that the CIA experimented with drugs on people. According to Wilgus, the CIA, for example, admitted that it gave Dr. Frank Olsen LSD in 1953 so that he died (= this triggered him to suicide). In addition to LSD, the CIA developed drugs that would brainwash people or trigger the programming they received, or have retired agents forget information they received when they were in active service. In other instances, the CIA has been experimenting with mind control, arising out of such as B. F. Skinner’s behavioral sciences and ”aversion therapy” (= make people dislike something by associating it with discomfort). In addition, there are such things as brain surgery / lobotomy and surgical implanting of electrodes in the brain. To some extent, the brain works as a computer that can be programmed. All organizations, from the church and the army to the prison system, know this says Wilgus (page 90). On a smaller scale, this applies on such a case as the 1970s SLA terrorist group who kidnapped the millionaire daughter of Patty Hearst and had her take part in a bank robbery.

Behavior manipulation can also be used to control gunmen and killers. This may be suspected of Robert Kennedy’s assassin Sirhan Sirhan, and Lee Harvey Oswald, the grey area figure and patsy of the JFK murder. – More about the theories of Sirhan can be found on page 91 in Wilgus’ book.

Already in the 1700s there were behavioral manipulation in the form of hypnosis, developed by Franz Anton Mesmer. He was a German who lived from 1734 to 1815. The subject of behavioral control in connection with the Jacobins time in power (and Weisshaupt, the founder of the Illuminati), Wilgus treats on the pages 92-93.


A theory that Wilgus discusses is this: that it is the Democratic Party of the United States that draws the country into war, and possibly the Democrats have been a little more elite club-influenced than the Republicans. Just look at the Democratic presidents Wilson (World War I), Roosevelt (World War II), Truman (Korean War) and Johnson (Vietnam War). Truman and Roosevelt were both highest degree Freemasons (33rd level) and Roosevelt placed the Illuminati pyramid symbol on the back of the one dollar note. Besides Democrats the elite club Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has been the haunt of America’s elite in general, where the member list included people like Nixon, Eisenhower and Kissinger and Henry Cabot Lodge, Zbigniew Brzezinsky and Jimmy Carter.

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A note on the subject ”Wall Street and Bolshevism,” from Wilgus’ book. Banker J. P. Morgan had spent money on President Wilson’s campaign in 1912. Then he financed Lenin’s and Trotsky’s Russian Revolution, as well as selling weapons to the English before the First World War. The affair of Lusitania played a part in this. A central player in these times was President Wilson’s adviser Colonel E. M. House. House participated in the founding of the CFR. He also wrote a novel painting a picture of an elite club operator: ”Philip Dru, Administrator”.

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Overall, Wilgus book is crisply written, a popular history rendering with a certain depth. Wilgus takes no position on the material but he seems to suggest that the topic of secret history has substance. The official history of our times, that history can only be created by decisions made by official bodies, is incorrect. Elite clubs and secret groups with hidden agendas have characterized the history of the West since the 1700s.

Moreover, I am proud that I own the English edition of this book. It has among other things a memorable cover (see picture). The American edition was much simpler.

Propaganda War as Total War
Ascended Masters

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