
lördag 22 oktober 2022

Poem: Vortex Master (Svensson 2022)

Hereby an epic poem. It comes in eight chapters. Part of chapter one has been published previously on the blog. -- This is a poem about our age -- the New Age, the Dvāpara Yuga... a poem about creating the world with our minds, our willpower and vision... a poem about chakras, storms, and dancing with the gods in the cathedrals.

We hereby give you the poem Vortex Master. It is an epic poem, a kind of story in poetic form. However, the narrative structure mostly serves as a framework to preach and teach. The poem begins by having the preacher worshiping in a church. Then he goes home. Then he goes out into the woods, lighting a bonfire. That's what we narratively find in chapters one through three; for the rest, see the table of contents right below this. The poem has a total of eight chapters.

Chapter One. Chakravartin
Chapter Two. Going Home
Chapter Three. Bonfire
Chapter Four. Burning Magnesium
Chapter Five. Halleluja I Love Her So
Chapter Six. Divine Laughter
Chapter Seven. Home Again
Chapter Eight. Cathedral Dome
Epilogue. Whole Town Dancing


Chapter One. Chakravartin

I'm dancing around in the cathedral dome,
the red brick temple,
the five-nave cathedral...

I'm dancing as the Vortex Master,
the Chakravartin,
the Man of Destiny...
the ruler of the rotation,
king of the wheel, the chakra...

Thus I chant, in the deathless
pattern of the śloka metre...
I sing me, I sing what I am...
a Chakravartin I am, and so I say:
aham asmi cakravartī...

I am dancing around in the cathedral dome,
going clockwise...

I am the Vortex Master,
the whirlpool of being...
the storm, the hurricane,
the tornado... the twister ominously
going through the landscape...

I am the origin of storms, the Holy Roller...
the rotation, the vortex...
the twirl, the swirl, the maelstrom...

I am the Chakravartin, the ruler of chakras...
ruler of the seven energy centres of the body,
the rotating wheels of vital energy.


I am the circuit around the altar...
a clockwise circle making you whole,
making you holy...

I rule the chakras, I rule the maelstrom...
I rule the whirlpool, the twirl, the spirals inside...
inside matter, inside of you – all of you...

I am the Horga song, dancing you to death,
the hambo dance for ever twirling, for ever
rotating, like a stream of existence...

I am the rotating flock of birds in the sky above you,
driving you mad...

I am the circle around the altar,
around Hindu gods... a clockwise circuit
making you whole, making you holy...


I’m dancing around in the cathedral dome,
going clockwise, as we do in the west, as we do in the east –
in Christian churches, in Hindu temples –
clockwise honouring the divine,
circum-ambulating the god.

Dancing around in the red-brick dome,
going round the altar, going round the ambulatory –
spiral movement forever, like the vortices
creating reality – for I am the Vortex Master,
master of storms, king of tornados –
and the storm begins here, with me, in the dome.

Turbulence begins at home...!

There’s a storm coming up and I AM the storm,
creating it by making rounds round the altar,
by going round and round, maddeningly like a flock
of birds in the sky – jackdaws they are,
round and round the towers they fly –

a vortex of birds, like Birds of the Master
in the Valerian adventure... a vortex in the sky,
look at them and go mad, see the swirl
and you’re caught in the movement –
like the dancers having to dance to the Horga song,
the evil fiddler forcing them to dance
to their death, forever whirling to the music,
round and round they went, until only their
skulls were rattling on the ground.

Vortex of dancers, vortex of birds,
vortex of clouds, vortex of stars...


I am the galaxy rotating in cosmic splendour,
rotating forever, rotating in harmony
with the All... I am the sky rotating
around the Pole... I am the Big Dipper
and its position through the seasons...
I am the Fylfoot...

I am the movement, I am the still center...
I am the pole and the circulation at once,
action as being, movement as a state...

I'm the adaptor in the middle of the record,
the still center... as we say in Swedish,
"alla ränner runt och ja --
é centrumpuck...!"


I’m the nexus of the crisis
and the origin of storms...

I’m the whirlpool, the maelstrom,
Charybdis, eddy, tornado, taifun...
I’m the rider of the storm, the Wild Hunt,
the Yuletide chase in the sky, led by
the Wild Hunter, Odin, god of storms...

All this I am.


I am the cycle of the seasons,
the precession of the equinoxes,
the cycle of day and night...
I can turn the day into night...
just wait and see, just follow me on this journey...


I'm a god come down to teach the world a lesson...
and while doing that, teaching and preaching,
I will also see to enjoy myself...
having fun, seeing the sights...
I will not shun the good things in life.

I'm a god, welcome to the satyr play...

I'm going round the altar, chanting Vedas,
adoring god, adoring the light... saying to the world,
ye shall be awakened from your sleep...
a storm is coming up, storm and frenzy,
storm and whirling vortices... and in this stormy weather
I will be the calm point in the centre, controlling the storm
but essentially unaffected by it.

Cue the Horga Song...!

Chapter Two. Going Home

I'm bowing to the altar and leaving the church...
going out in the greyish daylight...
greeting the flock of passerines coming at me,
approaching in the sky... they twirl, they rotate,
they go about madly in the sky... the perfect aerial
symbol of my vorticular creed, my Chakravartin nature...
big wheels keep on rolling... in the sky, inside me,
inside every man... and while I control my chakras,
I incite yours to rotate at my will.

I slowly head off through the city, past the university library,
on through the Picturesque Park... green shadows, the day
is dying... night is coming, darkness gathering... my element
indeed... for “when the night comes, I am king”...

I enter the Botanical Gardens, I nod at the classical backdrop
of the Orangery, four pillars and a front to elevate me
spiritually... just like Vilhelm Ekelund was uplifted
by the sight of Schinkel’s Neue Wache in Berlin...

Four pillars and a lintel, that’s all it takes
to create traditional grandeur...

Such a classical backdrop, a classical
piece of architecture... proud pillars
of the West... so I say, make me a pillared temple
and voilà, Tradition is magically there again –
be it Neue Wache, or this temple,
or anywhere you erect a classical front...

I leave the Orangery, heading off through quiet
greenery... and soon I approach my suburban palace,
white marble, white car on the drive...
and in the cinema tonight, my private monitoring room,
my cinema noche, I’ll be having a screening
of Parisfal on the Met.

Chapter Three. Bonfire

I was at home, planning a screening
of Parsifal... but my restlessness drove me out
into the woods... and there I lit an enormous
bonfire... I like to sit by the fire, it cleanses
my aura... and now, sitting by that fire, souls
approached me... souls beckoning me, calling, inviting,
fussing, fighting... but I was cool... and let
each one of them come forth and speak...
and they spoke of a people in bonds, a people
tormented by tyrants... mourn for us
oppressed in fear... chained and shackled
we are bound... freedom choked in dread
we live...
a people, enslaved in their
minds, scared... and I spoke, and I said...
I will lead you out of slavery,
out of bondage... and in the ashes of the morning
I awoke... and to the grey skies I lifted
my hands, shouting, “To undo the heavy
burden, and let the oppressed go free!”


Sum up your will. Make yourself strong,
not weak. Fight for your country and people,
not against them.

Be ethnically yourselves.
Shape your character, live according
to ideals.
Exercise your body.
Acquire knowledge.

There you have it, these are the commandments
of a Nordic Revival... the revival whose prophet
I am... as Chakravartin, Vortex Master, new age hero.


I am Chakravartin, the incarnated god,
the avatar of this age... at the conjunction
of two yugas I have come to liberate you,
shake you up, make you great... wake up
Faustia from her sleep, awaken Europe,
having the Western world rise and shine.

Freya, weck die Toten...!

aham asmi cakravartī...
namas te, rāja-ti-rāja...
hail the new dawn...


I will play a European song to my beloved...
join in, be overwhelmed, be European and hip...
to the tune of Time and Lady Grinning Soul...
and she nods and smiles but does she get it,
is she really into this European avant-garde...?

Is she...?

We will dance out, into the streets... me and my
beloved will lead the dance... and the whole city
will dance with us, rotate with us... me and Melina
in the centre, the rest around us... like Krishna
and Radha leading the divine dance... râsalîlâ...
round and round we go... symbol of the universe,
the dance of particles... the symphony
of the spheres... dance of life, dance of death...


Vortex Master, Chakravartin... master of wheels,
master of spirals... big wheels keep on turning,
fire keeps on burning... what goes up, must
come down, spinning wheels must go round...

Master of the Vortex... Blaster of the Vortex...
creator of worlds, destroyer of worlds...

Oppose me and oppose the world, oppose
the cosmos... join me and join the world, be part
of a cosmic resurrection, a galactic endeavour...
cue Heaven and Hell by Vangelis...


Holy Roller, Whirling Dervish...

spinning top, pirouetting dancer...
gyroscope, spiral staircase, spiral DNA...

Crown hair, vertex, whorl... we all have
such a spiral on top of our heads... a hair
spiral, a twirl... and we all have
chakras inside... and all matter is spiral
in nature... a spiral motion inwards creates
matter, a spiral motion outwards dissolves it...

We all have chakras... and he who consciously
knows this, wilfully directs the energy of his
chakras, he is a Chakravartin, and he will
potentially rule the world... microcosm
and macrocosm... because these are mindful times,
Kali Yuga over and Dvāpara Yuga just beginning...
and at this conjunction I am come
to lift you up, elevate you into cosmic splendour...


I am Viṣṇu, I am Kalki... I am Odin,
I am Frigga... I am Lakshmi, I am Brahma...
I am Shiva, I am Krishna... I am Freya,
I am Siv... I am Thor, I am Kristos...

This is the 21st century, this is Dvāpara Yuga,
and the gods are back... just look yourself
in the mirror... that divine spark in the eye,
that’s the soul, the true self... it’s divine...
tat satyam, sa ātmā, tat tvam asi...


“Time – is waiting in the wings,
his script is you and me”... verily...
I am Time, I am Death...
the destroyer of worlds... kālo ‘smi,
loka-kṣaya-kṛt pravṛddho...


I am the Vortex Master,
the Chakravartin, and I will cure you...
I will cure Europe of its inherent
disease, passive nihilism... the chakras
of the common European man are
rotating too slowly, that’s the thing...
so here I am, here to set your chakras
rolling... rolling... rolling down the river...

Chapter Four. Burning Magnesium

Astral war, frequency war, energy war...
cold war in a country garden... war games,
tin soldiers parading, propaganda war 24/7...
learn to love it – live it – forever at storming
distance, forever mindfully burning with the
burning magnesium in the sky, the illumination
round lighting up a diameter of 800 m...


All hail the Chakravartin, the Vortex Master...
Man of Destiny, Great Guide... ruler
of the world, Hero of the New Age...

And we all know that the New Age began in 1899,
the year Franz von Stuck painted Die Wilde Jagd...
also known as The Wild Hunt... which later became
Riders in the Sky... in the Wild West version...

But we're not in the prairie now...
we're not in Kansas anymore...
we're in Europe... mythical Europe,
true Europe... where pagan gods still
haunt the skies... especially at yuletide...
in wild frenzy, cosmic vorticism...
a wild bunch riding in a void,
a stormy posse of mythic beings...

The Wild Hunt rides forever through the mind,
the Berserker spirit reborn, riding forever in dream
space, forever fighting the astral war against the Demiurge...


Wind and storm and whirling vortices...
a new awakening where Chakravartin will
teach you virtue with the sword... he’ll
sweep you along in a hurricane of emotion
on to a destiny beyond the Beyond...

Valkyries riding to Valhalla...
einherjar fighting the wolf, the enemy of light...
led by Odin, riding out to fight the hordes
in the final battle for this army of heroes, this vīrasena...
this great army, die grosse Armee... den stora
the Wild Hunt, den vilda jakten...

The myth lives on, the Wild Hunt rides on...!
Led by the Avatar, the Chakravartin, the Magician
Man, the Vortex Master, it is going on tour...
and might soon harass a sky in your vicinity...
an aerial army of Aryan warriors come to fight
the endgame against the forces of the dark,
the forces of the Demiurge, the forces of materialist nihilism...

The Wild Hunt rides on... join us today...!
We will recruit any white man, ready
to fight the dark...

Chapter Five. Halleluja I Love Her So

I am the Vortex Master, the Chakravartin...
Man of Destiny, Hero of the New Age...


Halleluja I love her so... that’s what I do...
who cares if she doesn’t get all
my references... she tops it all off
with her smile, her very being... love fills out
the blank... spirit fills out the void...

Sometimes she falls short of my dream
image... sometimes she surpasses it...

Some things are lost in translation...
some things are won...
you can't strive for theoretical perfection...
you must go out there and live a life.

Chapter Six. Divine Laughter

I am the vortex, the vertex, the twirl...
the swirl, the whorl, the whirlwind...
Westland Whirlwind, Westland Lynx...

I, while the gods laugh, the world’s vortex am;
Maelström of passions in that hidden sea
whose waves of all-time lap the coasts of me;
and in small compass the dark waters cram.

This is Mervyn Peake...
he is the universe's vortex...
and so am I...
I am the Wheeler-Dealer...
I move in circles around you...
and here’s what you shall do:
take two vortices and let them
counter-rotate and voilà,
you have gravity-free power...
you have a perpetual machine,
a space machine, a ship
to conquer the stars in...
so we’ll go to Mars and teach
and preach under the Cydonia
sphinx, we’ll conquer the stars... it’s in
the cards, it’s in the vortex... for I, while
the gods laugh, the universe’s vortex am...


Again I circum-ambulate the altar, doing
the rounds round the ambulatorium... dancing
the rounds of the Black Rose... again I invoke
the Vortex, again I am the universe’s vortex...
again I impel the world to turn, the water to whirl,
the air to swirl, the storms to gather...

I bow to the altar and exit the church, going
to the graveyard... sitting down on a tombstone to brood,
ruminating over the fate of the world... then I go
to a mortuary chapel, lying down in a coffin
to sleep... and after forever I am awoken...
by a bland-looking emcee, a smooth-shaven middle-man...
and he says, “come on it’s time to go”... and I say
to what, to make some Faustian bargain... oh no he says,
we only want you to preach and teach... you’re
the Chakravartin ain’t you, master of spirals, master
of reality, master of the world... and I say yeah
and rise out of the coffin to follow the man...
down corridors and hallways going on forever...
until we come to a large hall... and as the emcee he is,
he takes the stage and says to the audience, hello
world, are you ready to rock’n roll... for here
he is, the Wheeler-Dealer, New Age Hero,
Holy Roller... Chakravartin, master of wheels,
master of energy... Man of Destiny, impeller of whirlwinds,
the origin of storms... and the crowd roars
and so I take the floor... exuding that Man of Destiny-
aura... that terrible and yet inspiring loneliness...
alone with history, alone with God... savouring
the magic of the moment... for the moment
is now, and now’s the moment... a moment
where I become the avatar, the god-man,
and everything I say comes easily... like a waterfall,
a whirlpool, a stream of images... in other words,
as Chakravartin and Vortex Blaster I do my thing...
to the millions I speak, to the audience
I lay out the law... that is, I continue my preaching:


I am soldier and savior, Wanax of the West, the preacher
of the great divide... I am shield Soskation, sword Nothung,
the spear of Dorylaon to pierce the head of the beast.

I am the water of life and the water of death.

I slew the dragon gnawing off the roots of the world tree.

I sent the demon guarding the treasure back to his home
dimension, leaving me with immense riches to create a new
viable currency... I stormed the reality studio, spearheaded
the breakout out of the Kamenets kessel, sailed the steel
breeze of Operation Ultra... I fought the aliens on earth
and their home-world... I sent the co-opting parasites to the hologram
along with blockheads, dolts, skeptics, and nihilists...

I’m a legend in my own lunchtime,
a poet and a pundit, a preacher and a teacher,
for ever seeking Harmony, Beauty,
and Spiritual Passion...

To seek and to find, the journey’s over... having arrived.

“Home is the sailor, home from the sea /
and the hunter is home from the woods...”


My preachment thus over a band magically
appeared behind me... a group, a spooky
ensemble... there to envelop the audience
in its musical magic... I thought I could
discern the notes of Diamond Diary...
and since it was an instrumental number I just
disappeared... there was nothing left to do, nothing left
to say... so I was engulfed by a suddenly rising
veil of dry ice smoke...

Chapter Seven. Home Again

And the rest is a muddle... my memories of what
happened next are not so clear-cut... I mean, I went
to sleep in the coffin, then the MC awoke me, then he took
me to a rock’n roll show... where I shone... and spoke...
like I’ve never spoken before... Man of Destiny, the lone
preacher... out of the desert and into the grand hall...
speaking words of wisdom, of action, of beauty,
of mythopoesy... that was the event... and then Diamond
Diary... and after my going into the smoke screen all went
dizzy... a dream state if there ever was one... a flurry
of action, of vorticular motion... I was the eye of the storm,
the impeller, the creator of this world by projecting
spirals in and out of the objects... I was the Horga song
fiddler, the Great Guide, the DNA... the flock of jackdaws
in the sky, added by ravens and crows, lizard-like birds,
monstrous creatures to drive you mad... and at the end
I fell into the vortex itself, I went down into
the Maelstrom, the whirlpool... into a black hole that was me.


I awoke to the song of birds... gentle birds, homely
birds... not maddening birds in a vortex in the sky...
Melina padded my forehead with a wet towel...
she came through like in a haze, a dream woman for sure...
she touched my face with a cool hand... and I was
saved... however, let me stress one thing... that
this was no turning point, no turning back...
it wasn’t so that I by this would relinquish my faith,
my role, my endeavour as Wheeler-Dealer and Master
of Storms... oh no... but you know how it is... light
and shade... we experience everything and its
counterpart... and now I savoured that moment
of rest... that moment of awakening in the light,
in a room full of flowers... and birdsong from
the garden outside.

I soon was back in form... so I went out into
the garden... and preached to the birds and the bees,
the flowers and the trees... and so I spoke
the following words:

I am god.
I am superman.
I am victory –
victory –

Chapter Eight. Cathedral Dome

Strengthened by my garden episode I felt like
keeping up the good work... I felt like preaching
day and night... forever speaking, forever
teaching... always dominating a crowd, always
lashing out and feeling the congregation surge
and react, like an ocean... like a “tale
from a topographic ocean”... like a metamorphic rock
that you actually shape here and now,
with your thought... as your deathless words ring
out, instantly becoming historical, instantly
becoming as if hewn in rock...

That what was I needed... to teach and preach...
So I went to church... and on the way people were going
in the same direction... they bore me on, they impelled
me to go, they invited and incited me to go to the dome
and preach... so we all went down to the red brick temple...
and in a wave of euphoria I was directed into the pulpit,
a grand artefact of gilded wood... with a staircase taking
me up into the nest, the perch, the boot, the speaker’s
platform with its pertinent frame... and when
the crowd had settled I could go on with my
preaching... first addressing the very room, bowing
to the spirit of the church... namas te... namas te...
all you gods and avatars hanging around in this ether...
om namo narāyanâya... śrī... śrī... and then I went
on with my preachment... and I said the following...

On the tower of Åsele church
is inscribed: Spera in Deo.

On the Apollo temple of Delphi
is inscribed: Gnôthi Seautón.

And on my heart is inscribed:
Aham brahmāsmi.

Believe in God.
Know Thyself.
I am god.

Epilogue. Whole Town Dancing

After the preachment I led the dance around the altar
with Melina... round and round we went, in hambo
rotation as well as in cirum-ambulation round the altar...
the whole church followed suit, the audience spontaneously
formed dancing couples and followed our lead...
we danced out of the church and into the streets... the invisible
band played the Horga song... then Black Rose, A Rock
Legend... which is a jig, very danceable... then
Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald, a walz... the whole town
was dancing to the rounds of a Strauss walz... and the sun
shone and the jackdaws circled... and the galaxy rotated
invisibly above our heads... in four-armed splendour
it created an eternal symbol for me as Chakravartin, Wheeler-
Dealer, Vortex Master, Man of Destiny, Great Guide...
Ruler of the Wheel, ultimate avatar, Hero of the New Age.

Burning Magnesium (2018)
Sanskrit poem, September 2022
Kali Yuga is over

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