
tisdag 15 november 2022

From my diary


I sometimes jot down stuff in a sort of diary. Hereby some excerpts -- mostly of the, shall we say, words of wisdom kind.


Books waiting to be written: The Good, the Bad and the Nihilist – Traditionalist Aspects of 20th Century Art. Parallel Worlds – Fantastic Fiction, Magical Realism and SF in the 20th Century. I Am the Edge. La force tranquille. TRAD – traditional art from the beginning to our times.


Every meal is a communion with the gods of the land.


Anthony Burgess said it was easy to write novels... you only had to follow the melody... and he was kinda right in this.


I think with the pen... I’m an inker-thinker.


Rule No. 1 of being a man: act the part, and don’t expect a gold medal for it.


Creativity and worry are polar opposites.


I am the guru in grey... the Grey Area Guru.


The Monopoly game... the Swedish version has streets of the Swedish capital Stockholm, the UK version has streets of the UK capital London – but the Italian version has streets, not of the Italian capital Rome, but of Milan. Not many people know this.

This I blog today
Richard Wagner -- A Portrait
Kalki Purâna

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