
tisdag 17 oktober 2023

Eras and Yugas

Kali Yuga is over... rejoice... if you know what that means.

Hereby a note on history.

Previously on the blog I have spoken of astrological eras. Of the Age of Taurus, Age of Aries etc, and what they mean to the history of man. Ici.

Now we will speak about yugas. Kali Yuga etc.

And we will do it by looking at the Platonic Year and its progress.

A so-called Platonic Year lasts 25,920 years. And it includes eight yugas and twelve astrological eras.

We will here focus on the yugas.

To simplify, you could say that the current Platonic Year started some 14,000 years ago with the Hyperborean golden age, the descending Sat Yuga. (“Descending” means, in the cycle of the Platonic Year, that this is the phase of “falling asleep,” of spiritual decline.)

Then followed the silver age on Atlantis (Treta Yuga), ending in 10,000 BCE with the fall of Atlantis. In Biblical parlance this was the Deluge.

Next we had the Dwâpara Yuga. This was the so-called bronze age. It was led by India, having its focus there, ending in 3,000 BCE with the Bhârata war as a symbolic event.

Then came the descending Kali Yuga.


Kali Yuga was a hard time, the age of iron. But -- lo and behold, halfway through it came the shift between descending and ascending yugas. The ascending phase means that, in the spiritual sense, things get progressively better. And verily, in 500 BCE, we saw the appearance of gurus to somewhat dispel the darkness (Zarathustra, Lao Zi, Confucius, Buddha, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Daniel, Śankara).

These spiritual traditions showed us the way through the following centuries, finally leading us to 1899 CE when Kali Yuga ended and we saw the dawning of the ascending Dwâpara Yuga. ("CE" means "current era" = "AD" = Anno Domino = the year of Our Lord = our age.)


Dwâpara Yuga: we are now in that “bronze age” (spiritually speaking), an age enabling electricity and crystal technology, an age seeing the liberation of the West by nationalism, spirituality, and mindful striving. It is the age of particularity and I AM, combating the mindless universalism and imperialism of Kali Yuga. It is an age heading for a new silver age, and then, a new golden age. We are inevitably on the way to Treta and Sat Yuga.

This era, the ascending Dwâpara Yuga, is an age enabling the mindful superman.

I mean, think about it...


Think about it!

The indicia are many.

First, from the perspective of Asatru, Kali Yuga saw the end of it. It was the Twilight of the Gods. Now, with kali Yuga behind us, we see the Resurrection of the Gods. Seen, very tangibly, in the resurgence of Asatru worldwide, in white countries everywhere: Nordic lands, the UK, USA, New Zealand, and Australia.

Next we have this. The modern superman ideas emerged just when Kali Yuga ended, like Also Sprach Zarathustra coming out in 1884. And New Age ideas emerged at the same time with Blavatsky’s writings as seminal events.


Further: just as the Bhârata war marked the beginning of Kali Yuga, the World War era marked the end of it.

This is a fact of fundamental importance.

So I say, you can’t any longer blame your shortcomings on the times you live in. We now live in superman times. In electric time, mindful times. Times enabling the revolution of mindful men against the NWO of materialist nihilism.


I have written about this before on the blog.

Here is the calculation saying that the hitherto "traditional" view, of a 432,000 year Kali Yuga, is wrong.

And here is a post deliberating on the historical, philosophical, moral etc. meaning of it all.

Astrological eras, giving the pattern for human history
Correct calculation of Kali Yuga's length
Kali Yuga over: meaning
Painting by Robert Svensson.

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