
onsdag 24 april 2024

A dream of my brother


I will now tell you about a dream I had. Some years ago. It was about my late brother, Robert.

He was not figuratively in it. But his very absence was telling; that was the message of the dream.


I am visiting my brother Robert in Uppsala. It’s a kind of dorm house, many people sharing it. They point down a meadow or lawn, go there they say, the door over there goes to Rob’s room. So I go down this slope, greensward in the sun and a door ahead, nice to meet your brother...

The next scene I’m in the room and there’s a complete change of atmosphere. The room is empty, it isn’t even a room, just an empty space of scaffolding. Dark, stormy skies all around. It all says “empty, nobody home” like nothing on earth. Bringing this message home: “Your brother is dead, you can’t visit him anymore. You can’t go to Uppsala and see him.”


Empty room, empty scaffolding... It’s over. He’s gone. And then the cataclysm and then the ice age.

Rob's Obit
Son of Sweden (poem)
A Presentation of Antropolis
In Swedish: Antropolis
In Swedish: On Spiritual Joy

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