
söndag 28 april 2024

Preachment 3: Free and fluid

Greetings, disciple.

Free and fluid, I walk around with a body language that says: here goes a full-time dreamer...

hari shvetam laghu snigdham...

hari shvetam laghu snigdham...

I dream... and the colors come naturally...


I'm a dreamer, a holist, a whole and healthy man... a holy man...

Holism is my creed... idealism... esotericism... a dreamy weaver of alchemic formulas, enchanting you...

So what is holism... how do you go about to become a holist...?

This is the answer... this is the key...

The master key to holism, ESP, action-at-a-distance, magic, and the dreamer's description of the world: all points in time and space are connected.

This equals Prabhupâda's "Easy journey to other planets"... I just think of Mars, and suddenly I'm there, in my imagination... my earthly being thus is connected to Mars, to any planet... my imagination goes anywhere, faster than the speed of light...

All points are connected... everything is connected to everything else...

That is holism.


Free and fluid, I walk around in Dharma Town like a prince... like the king of swing of Enköping...

I own this place... that's the simple truth... I created Dharma Town in my head, worked out the plans and buildings and all, and now I can walk around in the realized cityscape...


Free and fluid... that's what Don Juan says... to Castaneda... lighten up, man... don't be stiff and predictable... instead, be like a warrior, free and fluid...

That's the "free fluidity" you all should go for... a rigorist fluency... if that can be imagined... fluency under order... freedom under responsibility... or, movement as a state... rest in action... as we actionists would have it...


Be a hip cat, be a shipcat... somewhere... anywhere...

Be who you are, a star... be a wiseman, a learned man... but still, try to be free and creative... that's the crux... that's the Dharma Town lifestyle...

Preachment 1
Cars and stars
Art by my late brother
In Swedish: Karin Boye
In Swedish: Leonard Borgzinner
Painting: Karl Friedrich Schinkel: Gotische Kirche auf einem Felsen am Meer

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