
lördag 14 september 2024

The Magic Zeropoint


It was in March this year... I was dreaming... and I heard this voice:

“The coming years will be eventful beyond belief.”


And what could it mean...?

It means that we're heading for the Magic Zeropoint... a future event of elemental importance... a vortex dragging us to it, a gate we must pass through, a strait we must sail through.

That's it...

That's the deal...

And this poem of mine illustrates the phenomenon:

To live in a constant, spiritual state of emergency.

A constant crusade against materialism.

Constant prayer –
Constant meditation –
Constant “vision quest” –

Ständiger Ausnahmezustand...!

Total mobilization.

Heading for the Magic Zeropoint.

Believe –
Fight –
Shine –
We're heading for it... we're marching toward it...

No one can escape it...

It is our fate. And as Seneca said, "Ducunt fata volentem, nolentem trahunt"...

"Fate pushes the willing before it and drags the unwilling behind it."

In other words, acknowledge The Magic Zeropoint, and enjoy the coming years.

Or, as Betty Davis said:

"Fasten your seatbelts, we're in for a bumpy ride...!"

The Flaming Sword (short story)
Swedish Mystique
Richard Wagner -- A Portrait
Redeeming Lucifer

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