
söndag 22 september 2024

The only Jünger book you need

My bio about Ernst Jünger is still in print, still selling...

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I just received your new Junger book! It's WONDERFUL!!! Thank you for such a clear and honest book which does not waste time on pseudo moralistic rambling!! I love it!

What is this, then...?

It is a Facebook friend, in 2014, giving his verdict about my Jünger bio.

And his verdict is spot on.

Because, my goal with this book was to create a Jünger bio without Politically Correct bias, a hands-on, affirmative and inspirational portrait of the greatest German author since Goethe.

And, in English, this is the only reasonably affirmative Jünger study on the market. All the other ones are filled with ressentiment and virtue signaling.

My book goes into it all: Jüngers eventful life per se, his books on war, the controversial politics, the philosophical and life-affirming sides, and then some. The number of pages is 288 and the book layout is smashing. See for yourself in the pictures below.

An example of the style is this, from the chapter about the novel On the Marble Cliffs (1939):
On the Marble Cliffs displays a rich collection of characters. We have [for example] prince Sunmyra, pale and frail yet strong and belligerent, a romantic dreamer aroused from his sleep and ready to act against darkness, mirroring in a way the statue of the Bamberg Horseman (der Bamberger Reiter) in Bamberg cathedral: a heroic medieval knight, seemingly distraught but essentially a true rock of resistance. Mythologically he is in my book juxtaposed by the knight depicted by Dürer in his 16th century engraving ”The Knight, Death and the Devil”, a no-nonsense fighter with a literal devil-may-care attitude, a man of a hard mindset and yet no mere barbarian. And this character could be said to be represented by another ”Marble Cliff” figure: Biedenhorn, the commander of the mercenaries. The brothers at the centre of action get some help from him at the end, and before that he is lovingly depicted as the timeless solider, without higher ideals but reliable when it comes to battle and a jovial friend to his brothers in arms.
The book came out in 2014. And is still in print, still selling. One of many verdicts is: "A must-read for fans of Junger." (Amazon review)

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Review of "Ernst Jünger -- A Portrait"
Svensson: biography

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