
tisdag 12 november 2024

Babylon Blues: a story


Let me tell you a story.


A man in Stockholm once had an idea: he was going to Babylon to find a book on “fire yoga”.

He got there. And he went to the library, the famous Library of Babel, the library having all books there are. And there he found the book on fire yoga.

Mission accomplished...

But it didn't end there.


Since he now was in this fabled city, he went to see a fabled figure named Ardor who lived there. They met and had a drink in a downtown bar.

Ardor made a proposal: to go on a tour of the astral world.

This they did.

First they went to the underworld. And then to inner earth. And then on to the Grey Area, where the hero became king.

After a while the hero had had his fill of astrality. So he was taken to our world again, beginning a career as teacher and preacher, preaching in churches from the north of Sweden and going southward. Subject: fire yoga, which he had learned from the book he got in Babylon.

The trip ended where it began, in Stockholm. That is, the town where the hero first got the idea of going to Babylon.

Actionism -- How to Become a Responsible Man (2017)
The Dreamer's Description -- poem

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