
torsdag 7 november 2024

Three steps to stellar freedom

Behold, a new day is dawning...

Since 2015 a philosophical revolution has quietly taken place.

There is no other word for it. Revolution. No other comparable doctrine is pushed by any contemporary writer.

You could say: the esoteric, divine element is the stand-out feature of the Svensson doctrine.


In 2015 the first textbook of the Svensson doctrine was published, Borderline. It is a statement of ontology with a traditional founding.

Then, in 2017, came the ethical statement proper, Actionism.

And in 2023 came the application of the doctrine to the contemporary propaganda war gestalt, Astral War. It tells you how to survive by mobilizing your mental power = vril.

And all of this is about you, the individual.

The whole Svensson Doctrine is a stairway to stellar freedom.


To repeat:

Step 1 -- Borderline -- ontology
Step 2 -- Actionism -- ethics
Step 3 -- Astral War -- vril power

Use it, be wise, and be free, while remaining a man in the world -- an active man, an Actionist.


The Actionist line of research is about this:

A. The discovery of the formula I AM, basis of all ontology and ethics
B. The discovery of WILL, the fundament of all human action
C. The discovery of THOUGHT and PASSION, the fundament of science and art
D. Application of this in case studies and examples from literature


There you go. Be wise and be free. Take the stariway to stellar freedom.

Info on the blog about Borderline

Info on the blog about Actionism

Info on the blog about Astral War

Actionism: "It opens many doors"
New Infinities

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