
fredag 13 september 2019

Actionist Epigrams

These are epigrams. Laconic, succinct wisdoms. In the spirit of Actionism. -- To be precise, you won't find these sentences in that book, the 2017 basic document. These are "further adventures of Actionism"... -- A presentation in Swedish of Actionism is given in this post.

The thing becomes a symbol when BEING shines through.

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I walk around town with a body language that says, “I AM”.

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Keep going until the movement becomes a state. Then time and space will collapse into a black hole that is you.

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Honor death, cherish life.

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In both peace and war there’s no irony. They are elemental states.

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Transcending material reality and the empirical mood in favor of invisible forces, levels beyond space-time affecting matter...

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Contempt as a lodestar? Snobby indulgence? Why not. The world itself is a spectacle. The truth is gained, not in the hazy confusion of “the everyday world, the city square”. It’s gained in the sublime palace on the heights above the city. Here you can quote Nicolas-Sébastien Roch de Chamfort: "The best recipe of the philosopher for our attitude towards the world: cheerful irony and contemptuous disregard.” – To this we have the ideal of Swedish poet Bertil Malmberg: “Dignity, gravity, contempt."

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Reading is breathing, breathing is reading.

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How to become a superman: just say to yourself, “I am superman,” again and again. How often you can say this depends on YOU – on your stamina, your willpower, your persistence of vision.

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This is the Way, the Golden Path... to majesty, peace and prosperity, everything: wishing it, wanting it, getting it.

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Actionist enemy No. 1: weakness of will.

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A man who has worked through at least 51% of his karma, who is C3 = Calm, Cool and Collected – and who can RIA = Rest In Action, is a virtual superman – a spiritual superman.

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The moment you discover WILL = a surging rush of power.

I Declare You the Spiritual Superman
Actionism -- How to Become a Responsible Man (2017)
In Swedish: En presentation av Actionism
Painting by Robert Svensson

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