
måndag 22 januari 2024

Good Reads, January 2024


Hereby some reading tips.

The common denominator is "Absolute Svensson"... books that are symbolising the world of me.

And here they are:

. Jung, Psychology and Alchemy. -- Elegantly readable survey over alchemy and its spiritual meanings. A little reductionist but not overly so.

. Guénon, The King of the World. -- The swastika is a polar symbol, and Hyperborea is the fatherland for us all. Melchizedek, the Gral, Agartha and Shambhala. All this, and Three Wise Men, in a succinct study, under 100 pages.

. Brandes, Friedrich Nietzsche. -- Also a succinct survey, this time over FN by the Dane Georg Brandes. Brandes was a little superficial and unspiritual, but you must give him that he was the first to see the grandeur of Nietzsche. Contains heartbreaking correspondence between GB and FN, FN both seeing some recognition of his opus and also, at the end, going mad.

. The Mahabharata, translated by John D. Smith. First published in 2009 it comprises all of the epic, in about 800 pages. This means that half the text is summary text. But to get all of this epic into one volume you have to make sacrifices. This is a decent compromise.

Rigorism -- The Influence of Willpower Upon History
Historical eras

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