
fredag 23 februari 2024

Preachment 1: Veteran of the Psychic Wars

Greetings, disciple. This is my preachment. Beginning February 2024.

Om shânti om...
Om shânti om...
Om shânti om...

Triple time...

Like Odin, Vili, Ve...

Like Har, Jafnhar, and Tridji...

Like Künstler, Genie, und Held...

Like Panzer, bomber, panzer...

You get the drill... 1-2-3, rock around the clock...


O shânti om...

Om bhûr bhûvah svaha...

Sambhâvami yuge yuge...

Yuga after yuga, I return...

Year after year, month after month, week after week, I return to this blog... to preach...

So welcome, my disciples... I am Magus Maestro...

I lay down the rhythm, and you are bound to follow it...

I create magic... I shape reality by my very being... by osmosis...


I write and publish... and the ensuing book becomes a magical object...

Like this one... Astral War of 2023... a very pertinent example of my magic endeavour...

But I do more than preach and teach in my books...

I am also a story telling shaman... giving you works like this novel... Third Reich... panzer--bomber--panzer... holy, holy, holy...


The magical forces are regenerated...

Stellar Storm approaching... brainstorm, psychic storm... your soul is the battlefield... as you all know...

Elite soldier of the psychic war... a warrior cherishing the psychic storm, the brainstorm... the prospect of propaganda war 24/7... if you only know that it's raging, you can have a field day... in your innermost being unperturbed, just watching the forces of nihilism combating each other... and at the end of the day the new elite steps in... the Aristocrats of the Soul... cavalcare le tigre.

Tomorrow's slave, shudra, and serf, will be the atheist nihilist.

Tomorrow's ruler, aristocrat, and king, will be the mindful magician.


There you have it.

Live like a Hadean flower under Burning Magnesium.

Fight the Astral War with dedication and verve.

Don't be afraid of insanity.

"You're seeing now a veteran -- of a thousand psychic wars"...!

This I preach today -- 23 Februay 2024.

Says Svensson... story-telling shaman, MC of magical realism, jester of the new infinities.

Burning Magnesium: platoon and company level combat on the Eastern Front
Astral War: Your Soul Is the Battlefield (2023)
In Swedish: about Evola's Ride the Tiger
A presentation of this blog
C. D. Friedrich. The Abbey in the Oakwood (1808–1810)

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