
måndag 6 maj 2024

Preachment 4: Triple time

Welcome, disciple... now for another preachment of wisdom...

Wotan Vishnu Kristos...

Wotan Vishnu Kristos...

Triple time...

Great choirs chanting...

Wotan Vishnu Kristos...

Wotan Vishnu Kristos...

In runes, this is written in Yr rune, Man rune, and Hagal rune...

It's the same as Yr-Man-Sul actually... that is, Irminsul... the world pillar... the polar symbol of Hyperborean splendor...

And as always it means, "Death, followed by Resurrection, to finally live eternally as a Sun"...


Triple time... join the chanting choir, the chorus, the choral speech...

You've got it... like getting Actionism in chantable, tripartite slogans... just getting into that triple time:
Action is everything... Will to power... Summon your strength... Rest in action...

I say again, this is Actionism in chantable slogans: Power, now, forever... Rest in action... You are everything... You are god...


Odin Vili Ve...

Odin Thor Frey...

Har Jafnhar Thridi...

Om shânti om...

And so we reel around the fountain...

Getting into shamanic frenzy...

Reel around the maypole...

Reel around in the Horga hambo...

Triple time, triple time...

Action is everything --

Will to power --

Rest in action --


Action, now, forever --

Will, reason, compassion --

You are god --


Going further into "triple pattern wisdoms" we of course have "Künstler, Genie, Held"... the Actionist mantra par preference...

Actionism has an artistic strain... as I've already showed you... and this artistic vein is material for any contemporary doctrine...

I mean, the Western world is in a sorry state... but in all this, don't get locked up into sad patterns... patterns of chaos... like reading the news... nay, I say... instead you must create your own reality, found your own vision... in the artistic manner...

Du bist Künstler, Genie, und Held, und du bist der Retter des Westens...

In short, creativity will save us...


Om shânti om --

Wotan Vishnu Kristos --

Odin Vili Ve --

Summon your strength --

Well you've got it now... I think I've made my point now... as always in these preachments I may sound a little mysterious... but that's just me... style is everything... and I go for style in all I do... I don't care if YOU don't understand... I only preach to the smart... the dumb will never understand anyway...

And as I said, "summon your strength"... and as a valediction I say, Go with power...

A fine greeting, ain't it... I found it in E. E. Smith's Galactic Patrol... in a certain chapter a guru teaches the hero strength, strength of will... and when the lesson is over it all ends with the guru saying, "Go with power"...

And the same I say to you, now, disciple... read Actionism... be strong... Go with power...

Note to the reader
This spring I've started a new series... on this blog I've begun posting these impressionist preachments... titled "Preachment 1, 2" etc... and you can find them all under the blog label "att vara Svensson"... here...

Actionism (2017)
The mindful superman
Odic force
The founding document
Preachment 1: Veteran of the Psychic Wars
Arnaldo dell'Ira. Square on the sea in Livorno

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