
söndag 12 maj 2024

Preachment 5: God and man

Welcome, disciple. It is time for yet another preachment, telling you the Truth.

Gentlemen, if you please...

Black velvet, if you please...

It is yet again time to preach... time to preach in time... that triple time...

Künstler, Genie, und Held...

Absolute Man... Total Man... Magician Man...

You'd like to be that, don't you... an Absolute Man in the Evolian style...

It's easy... you just say "I'm superman", over and over...

You just say, "Superman -- Overman -- Man Plus"...

That's the mantra...

Focus on this instead of worrying all day long...

You know, you just summon your will, decide to become great, and thus you're on the way of becoming a Magus Maestro...

Then you can write the book, "How I stopped worrying and became a Superstar"...

It's easy...

And if you're not into writing superman books, if you want others to write your books, then read mine...

It is about the purity of heroic action... through aristocratic intuition... this is Actionism in a nutshell...

My creed is called Actionism and my book is called Actionism... easy to remember, eh...


Triple time, triple time...!

Tripartite mantras, taking you to the sky...

Like, "I am god... I am god... I am god"...

I'm a god, lowercase g, worshipping God, uppercase G... and so the world is mine...

I acknowledge the influxus of the divine in everything... and so I'm free to roam the vistas of the world in a mindful way...

There you have my mindful supermanism... unique in the history of thought... for the original creator of supermanism, Nietzsche, was an atheist... and so was Evola... Södergran, though, knew some of that divine influxus... well there you go... my supermanism is Södergran-esque... and Nietzschean and Evolian... it has what their doctrines have, AND it has a mindful ingredient...

So join me in the vistas of mindful overmanism...


Södergran, Edith Södergran... Finnish-Swedish poet who died in 1923...

Maybe I should tell a little more about her...

Give some examples of her supermanist preachment...

So then, a sampling of Södergran’s übermensch lyrics, images, and attitudes, may sound like this:
The storming night of the earth... the flight of the suns through the night... tiger, panther, puma and eagle... flashes and sunburnt summits...
Thus it reads in her opus, yea, even “purple twilight, storm, and the vortex of madness”...
I am Orpheus. I can sing how I want to.
Everything is forgivable to me.
Liturgy, magic... to experience being primitively and playingly... the elevated sense of power of the artistic ecstasy...

Hers is a certitude of a greatness without limit... to possess unlimited power, to be divine, to receive the blissful ecstasy...

You could say: Södergran was director, star, and tent, all in one, of a psycho circus recreating the world into a ritual feast.
I am the one opening the mystery.
The whole of humanity I want to consecrate to the future. (“Mysteriet”)

Södergran was explicitly a disciple of Nietzsche... she mentioned him in her poems... of this and more in my 2016 study Borderline... it has a chapter about her übermensch lyrics.


Wasn't that exciting... getting a sample of the Södergran way to supermanism... sure it was... a unique exposé in all of the internet... for Södergran might still be read... because of her feminist strain... but no one acknowledges her supermanism... it is explained away as hubris... well, now her superman strain comes to light again... thanks to me...

Enough of Södergran now... instead, hereby a poem by me LS... to further highlight my preachment... I preach of supermanism so hereby a poem of supermen...

To be superman – overman – man plus.

To be Gil Gosseyn, Jommy Cross...
Robert Hedrock, Johnnie Holt...
Sweyn Bostron, Robert Maltby...

Processing data with lightning speed.
Moving in circles around you.

Astounding – amazing –

To be willpower and vision.
Wishing it – wanting it – getting it.


That was a poem... now for a story fragment... a story of a superstar...
He was downtown preaching, saying: “Sum up your will, merge it with your thought, and you'll be going places. You will be stronger than anything, a virtual superman.”

A man listening to him said: “Wise words. What shall I liken you to?”

“A golden eagle soaring in the sun.”

“What shall I call you?”

"The Actionist."


I wield enormous power by my very existence. By merely being alive I have powers beyond belief. – The formula for realizing those powers: I AM.


I will tell you a secret. Ich sage dir ein Geheimnis... -- Just sit down, relax, take a deep breath. And sum up your will. Now, exactly in being thus relaxed, and having willpower onboard, you’re the most powerful man in the universe.


The superman is “beyond good and evil”... being strong is beyond good and evil, as the man said.


Be superman. It’s easy! Just say, “The world is my will”.


I’m a spiritual leader who, from a base above time, affects time.


How to be superman: remove that of your being which isn’t superman... impediments, fears, prejudices...

Again, this is "How I stopped worrying and became a superstar"...


The superman has overcome the human condition... he is beyond any law; he makes the law...


I am superman... everything I do becomes myth...

Actionism (2017)
Preachment 4: Triple time
Evola: Absolute Man
Photo by LS

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