
söndag 12 januari 2020

An Interview with Jack Steelnack, Part II

I recently published an interview with "Jack Steelnack, the Steeler". Now for Part II of this talk with a New Age superman.

Q: Describe yourself in one sentence.

A: I walk around town with a body language that says, "I'm the man"...

Q: Really...?

A: Really. 

Q: OK.

A: I'm the king of it all, that's just it. The king of swing of Enköping. I envision grandeur, striving, man's going off to create an empire among the stars. Like terraforming and colonizing Mars.

Q: Space is the place...!

A: It is; a unique endeavor for white man, Faustian man.

Q: I see. Now, further... you speak about Will-Thought, you speak about willpower and vision. However, others have done that before you.

A: Name one.

Q: OK, I can't expressly do that. 

A: Ha-ha. But I do admit that I have forebears in the rigorist realm. I stand on the shoulders of giants. Like Jünger.

Q: They call you superman.

A: And I am. With willpower and vision I shape reality. Reality obeys the will of a dedicated man.

Q: Indeed?

A: Indeed. I'm a myth, not a man; I'm spirit, not matter. I walk the hard road, not the soft and easy road.

Q: You're superman, then... a virtual god...!

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