
måndag 31 augusti 2020

Quinta Essentia

Behold, it’s a new day… -- Edit 2023: This text is now, mutatis mutandum, part of my essay Astral War, published by Manticore.



Quinta Essentia is the fifth element beyond earth, water, fire and air... it is also called vril.  


It is equal to Prima Materia = the elementary matter. In alchemical terms, it is the Prima Materia of the Magnum Opus.

“It is the body of the Holy Spirit, the universal Agent, the Serpent devouring his own tail” (Pike).

It is the Ether, nowadays formally denied by scientists, only called “gravity field,” “action-at-a-distance” and other fancy terms.

It is the Elixir of Life, the Fountain of Youth, the Philosopher’s Stone… 

It is “the Force” of Star Wars fame, an all-pervading power. As Yoda said: “My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. ... You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes."

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The quintessence is this and more. 

It is the “white stone written with a new name” mentioned in Revelations. 

It is the Food of the Gods, manna, ambrosia, soma, Holy Water to my lips... the Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus. 

It is the Astral Light in Theosophic terminology.

It is dark energy, dark matter… and scalar energy, zero point energy. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943):"Electric energy is everyhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need for coal, oil or gas". [Link to Swedish blog post.]

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The Black Sun of Agartha is made of this quintessence. And the Holy Grail is an artefact made of Prima Materia. 

Also, corresponding to the human realm, Prima Materia and all its synonyms is equal to vital power, mental energy, Od, Ka, Vril… because, “wherever anything is, Vril is” (Tice, Vril or Vital Magnetism, 1911). 

Thus, you have it in you. In the form of Vril. Because, where anything is, Vril is.

So say to yourself: I have the power...!


Odic Force

Painters and Draughtsmen

Biography of Svensson

Illustration: Robert Svensson

fredag 28 augusti 2020

"Nietzsche" -- A Poem by Stefan George


Today we give you a poem. By Stefan George.




Stefan George was a German poet who lived 1868-1933. He was a traditionally minded conservative writing free verse, kind of like Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot.


A lot could be said about George. However, today we will just give you a sample of his poetic ability. It will be with the poem "Nietzsche," written in 1900, translated by me. It rather well captures the tragedy, the pathos, the elevation associated with this philosopher. Enjoy.



Heavy yellow clouds scudding over the hills

and cool winds – half autumnal messengers, half early spring...

So these walls enclosed the Thunderer – he, the only

real one among thousands of smoke and dust around him.

From here to the flat lands and the dead cities

he sent the last quiet flashes

and went from a long night to the next night.


Stupidly the crowd wanders down below: do not scare it!

That would be like stabbing a jellyfish. No, cut off the weed!

For a while, still a pious silence

from the animals that stained him with praise

while fattening in the dark,

the ones who helped to strangle him.

But you, you stand radiantly ahead of the times

like other leaders with the bloody crown.


Redeemer you! while being the most unfortunate,

loaded with the force of an unnamable destiny.

Have you ever seen the smile of the promised land?

Did you create gods just to enthrone them,

never a quiet moment in a happy home?

You killed the neighbor in yourself

only to desire him anew and long for him,

crying out to him in the pain of loneliness.


He came too late, the one who said to you:

there is no way over icy rocks

and aeries of horrible birds – there is but one need:

to banish oneself from the circle of love...

And if the severe and tormented voice

then sounds like a praise in the blue night

and the bright flow – so lament: it would sing.

This newborn soul should not talk!


How to Be a Nietzschean Superman

Burning Magnesium

Wagner and Popular Culture

torsdag 20 augusti 2020

Cars: Some Faustian Remarks

Hereby some lines about stuff. Automotive stuff.

In the video to Gary Numan’s Cars there are no cars. 

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The car is a strong Faustian symbol. 

The car is a vital necessity to Western man. To Asians it’s not the same thing. Japanese and Chinese may build decent cars but they haven’t got it in their blood.


But we of the Faustian ilk live and die for our cars.


We have it in our blood. Can you otherwise explain why European cars are the strongest brands in the car world – still, after the 70s-and-on onslaught of oh-so efficiently built and decently priced Japanese cars...?


Japanese brands have a fair share of the market. But they can’t build top-of-the-line, crème-de-la-crème cars. They can have a shot at it (Lexus) but they can’t win (Mercedes).


The model premium car is European. And it always will be. Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Range Rover, Rolls Royce, Volvo, Citroën...


There is still some vitality in the Faustian culture. As we said in this post: the Faustian era won’t end just now, it’s got a thousand years more to shine in.


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“If I can for six horses pay, their strength is mine – I dash away // a proper man, as if I’d known, all four-and-twenty legs my own.”


Thus we read in Faust, the Goethe play. This summarizes in nuce the Faustian spirit – the power, the glory, the sound, the fury, the speed, the movement; in short, the joy of driving a vehicle. Faust spoke about a horse carriage but the gist of driving a car is the same. 

Spengler knew what he was doing when naming our culture after this guy, Faust. With his striving to dominate nature, to know everything, to master all sciences, to go beyond the beyond, to go for the infinite, the vanishing point, in horse carriage or by any means, Faust is the symbol of our culture.


- - - 


Elon Musk built an electric car. Christian Koenigsegg built a supercar [link to Swedish post]. – The Faustian spirit is still alive; still men can dream about building cutting edge cars, still the vision can become reality. One man, one vision – then the willpower to effect it. I lift my hat to these guys. 


- - -


Cars and trucks etc. I’ve driven:


Mercedes Benz 200

Mercedes Sprinter

Saab 99

Saab 900

Opel Ascona

Renault 5

Renault Megane

Renault Trafic

Volvo 240

Volvo V40 Cross Country

Volvo F611

Volvo F407

Bandvagn 206


- - -


I’ve just been told that Russell Kirk regarded cars as “mechanical Jacobins,” that is, as modernizing forces separating us from tradition. – I’ve no sympathy at all for this attitude. It reeks of the complete abstention from modernity otherwise displayed by men like Frithiof Schuon and C. S. Lewis. 


The car is here to stay and it’s central for everything Faustian; it’s an undying symbol, it’s a necessity. It’s like riding a horse. Was the invention of horseback riding a mistake too? Would solely resorting to your walking feet lead us back to paradise? 


This I ask the likes of Mr Kirk.


The riding of a horse, the riding of a car creates a certain mindset. And this isn’t just Faustian, it’s human. Like horseback riding being invented already in the previous era, around 700 BCE, at the dawn of the Greco-Roman era. And it spread all over the Old World, not just over the West.


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I once had a dream, a dream of a song. It went: “If you’ve got a car, got a trailer or a jeep”...


That was the line. I even heard a melody.


I wanted to make a complete poem of it. So, after some labor while awake I came up with this, a little ditty about cars, about a guy saying that he will gladly drive any of the cars his lady might have:

If you’ve got a car, got a trailer or a jeep,

Mercury Cougar, make sure it ain’t cheap.

Chevy Corvette, Metropolitan Met,

a Dodge or a Fudge – 

then baby I can drive your car... 


Faustian Era

Good Reads September 2019

Wagner and Popular Culture

In Swedish: Koenigsegg

Pic: Me next to a Renault 5, 1989

måndag 17 augusti 2020

onsdag 5 augusti 2020

How to Be a Nietzschean Superman

Today we give you a course in Supermanism. -- Edit 2023: the text below is now, more or less, included in my essay Astral War (Manticore Press 2023).




How to be superman? It’s easy; just will it.


Nietzsche coined the very term “superman”. In Thus Spake Zarathustra he says that man is something to be overcome; man shall strive to be more than he is. He shall elevate himself into virtual godhead and become a dancing Dionysos, a man possessed by Odin.


Nietzsche intimated the presence of Odin in the poem “To the Unknown God” from 1863-64. And the spiritual side of his Zarathustra book I covered in Borderline.


In a letter to a friend (Meta von Salis) Nietzsche wrote: “Fraulein von Salis. The world is transfigured, for God is on the earth. Do not you see how all the heavens rejoice?”


This he wrote shortly before going mad but these lines aren’t mad as such. If a god walks the earth it would indeed be transfigured and the heavens would rejoice. Nietzsche’s letter nails the state of “god incarnated as a man”. The madness can also be seen as “divine madness”. 


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To be a superman in Nietzsche’s conception wasn’t only about divine elevation, Dionysian dance and all that jazz. It could also mean human perfection. He meant that figures like Goethe, Montaigne, Voltaire and Napoleon were good examples of this kind of perfection. They fulfilled the dictum, “be all that you can be”.


So, you superman aspirants out there, to be superman isn’t so very hard. Just perfect your talents and shine.


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Above we saw how Nietzsche mentioned “transfiguration,” and now some more of it... 

In The Will to Power Nietzsche says this which is divine supermanism in nuce: “[M]an becomes the transfigurer of existence when he learns to transfigure himself.” (The Will to Power, p. 434)


From the same book, very apt, very holistic: “If we affirm one single moment, we thus affirm not only ourselves but all existence. For nothing is self-sufficient, neither in us ourselves nor in things; and if our soul has trembled with happiness and sounded like a harp string just once, all eternity was needed to produce this one event—and in this single moment of affirmation all eternity was called good, redeemed, justified, and affirmed.” (ibid,p. 532–533)


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Two more quotes from Will to Power... about being strong.


1. “I teach the No to all that makes weak—that exhausts. I teach the Yes to all that strengthens, that stores up strength, that justifies the feeling of strength.”  (p. 33)


2. “It is only a question of strength: to have all the morbid traits of the century, but to balance them through a superabundant, recuperative strength. The strong man.” (p. 524)


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Thus Spake Zarathustra shows us the superman brimming of energy. The last lines of the book should suffice to illustrate the power exuding from it in its best parts, the aura of vital energy virtually dripping off the page:

"Do I then strive after happiness? I strive after my work!... This is my morning, my day beginneth: arise now, arise, thou great noontide!” – Thus spake Zarathustra and left his cave, glowing and strong, like a morning sun coming out of gloomy mountains." [p. 368, Thomas Common translation]

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As I said in the beginning: be superman, it’s easy... you just will it.



Jack Steelnack

Illustration: Robert Svensson

Svensson: Spera in Deo (poem)

Hereby a poem by Lennart Svensson. The author of Actionism.

On the tower of Åsele church
is inscribed: Spera in Deo.

On the Apollo temple of Delphi
is inscribed: Gnôthi Seautón.

And on my heart is inscribed:
Aham brahmâsmi.

Believe in God.
Know Thyself.
Illustration: Robert Svensson