
söndag 18 september 2022

Svensson: En nationell högborg i Norden (dikt)

In Swedish. -- Härmed ett präktigt poem om nationalismens yttring i den magiska realismens anda.

Välkommen till detta unika inlägg. Det presenterar en dikt som är en manande vision, en hjärtevärmade syn för nationalister som staplar i öknen -- som behöver något stärkande, något upplivande. De behöver, kort sagt, visionen av En nationell högborg i Norden...

Diktens författare är Lennart Svensson, författare till romanen Den heliga flamman.

Då börjar vi...

En nationell högborg i Norden – den står där för
vår syn... och mer än så, jag bor där, detta
är min bostad, mitt baslokus i en stormig
värld... en boning omgiven av en trädgård med
ginst och lilja, ros och syrén... ett palats
av granit och ektimmer, porfyr och brons,
silver och guld... med fronter och flyglar,
tornhuvar och fritrappa, bronsport
och kvaderrustik... och ett inre med gemak
och praktsalar, bibliotek och bankettsal...
och inrett med röllakan, lädertapeter,
sidenmattor, kabinett och nischer... och
oljemålningar av Winge och Hellquist,
akvareller av Bauer och Lagerlöf... med bokhyllor
av ek med isländska sagor, Svea rikes hävder,
Rydbergs gudasagor, segersvärd och Undersökningar
i germanisk mytologi i läderband med guldtryck...
allt detta, och Ett rike utan like, finns att beskåda
i Nordens nationella högborg, Varjestad, Sveriges
hjärtland... och vill du komma dit så ska det nog
gå bra, följ bara flaggan, alltid hissad enligt
flaggreglerna, svenska flaggan gul och blå
vajande i tornet som kröner detta präktiga palats,
lyser där i toppen som en fyrbåk i kulturkampens
stormiga värld i tvåtusentalets hårda verklighet.

Mythago Wood
Sveriges historia
Den heliga flamman

torsdag 15 september 2022

Poem, 15 September 2022

Welcome. Today's post is a poem, written entirely in Sanskrit. Enjoy.

sac cid ânanda... so 'ham, so 'ham...

ashvam âshu-gam âruhya...

ratham sthâpayitvâ...

om bhûr bhuvah svaha
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhîmahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayât...

namas te...
namas te...

prakâshavân... asmin loke... bhavati...

raver mayukhair abhitâpito bhrisham...
mandam mandam nudati pavanah...

om namo nârâyanâya... om namo nârâyanâya...

sac cid ânanda... so ’ham, so ’ham...

The Kalki Purâna -- just my cup of tea
Kali Yuga is over
Photo montage by LS

tisdag 6 september 2022

Famous people and their cars

Hereby a listing of some interesting people and their cars.

We will start this list with some fantastika authors and what cars they had.

We simply say:

. Tolkien, Morris Cowley. Tolkien was no car guy and he got rid of his car during the war because of gas rationing. Then he made his empty garage into a study; he wrote his best work there.
. A. E. van Vogt. According to Charles Platt he once had a black Cadillac with fins, so it probably was a late 50s, early 60s model.
. Philip K. Dick. According to Lawrence Sutin, in the late 70s, early 80s he for instance had a Fiat Spider sports car (see pic) and a Mercury Capri.
. Bob Heinlein. In the early 50's he had a '49 Cadillac. This we gather from Patterson's bio... and in this book we also see a pic of fellow sf author Poul Anderson, come to visit him in what seems to be a white 1965 Jeep Wagoneer, one of the early and reasonably stylish SUV's.


We will now continue with some other celebs and their cars.

First, we will mention Janis Joplin and her Porsche 356C. This specimen of the last pre-911 model she had painted in a colorful pattern, rather ugly, so we will spare you the look of it.

That Porsche could make you think of James Dean, who also owned a car of this make... and so we get some examples of automotive tragedy. Like this:

. James Dean, Porsche Speedster. He lethally crashed in it.
. Stig Dagerman (Swedish author), Austin Somerset. He killed himself in it, locking himself up in his garage to be asphyxiated by the carbon monoxide.
. Albert Camus, Facel Vega. Ending in another lethal crash.


Continuing in a more upbeat vein we can say that Elvis always had a bunch of Cadillacs parked in front of Graceland... a striking symbol of opulence.

But his most dear drive was a Stutz, a super luxury car designed by Virgil Exner. -- Elvis said of this car: "If you haven't arrived in a Stutz, you haven't arrived at all"...

Finally this...

John Lennon of Beatles had a Rolls Royce, painted like a canal boat; it was as ugly as Joplin's Porsche, another hippie paint job best left to rest in peace. -- Lennon didn't like to drive but his charming wife Yoko once forced him to do it anyway, in this very Rolls Royce, ending in a crash. Not a lethal crash though.

Heinlein and my sf study
A presentation of this blog
Golden Yoga -- life as art
Interesting aspect of my novels