
lördag 21 december 2024

My books... and where to buy them

My books can be bought on the net. Hereby a rather comprehensive overview.

I know: Christmas is only a few days away. So if you order any of my books now, they won't arrive before Christmas. Nevertheless, in this season it's all about promo, selling, and stuff, and I go with the flow in this respect. I promote, I adveritise mysefl. Then, from about 24 December and some time after, I won't push my stuff for a while. Then it'll be holiday calm, peace in the valley, and sea of tranquility. But only then.

So here we go: promo. About my books.

For the keen customer, hereby some links. It will be to posts on this blog, having, in turn, in them links to Amazon, Adlibris, Bokus, etc.


My latest essay is Astral War -- Your Soul Is the Battlefield. It is about propaganda war and its timeless, archaic aspects. Five stars on Amazon. Link.

My latest novel is Stellar Storm. It is about a future space empire, the Mirotanian Empire, and its lethal struggle against the Saurian race. Link.


My most popular book in English might be this one: Ernst Jünger -- A Portrait. A Popular bio of Germany's greatest author since Goethe, this books briefly takes you through his life and then summarizes the mainstay of his literary production, like the early war books, the conceptual essays from the 30s, the WWII diary, the novels, etc. We get a look at the many roles of Jünger: entomologist, conservative, esotericist, soldier. -- "A must-read for fans of Jünger" (Amazon review). Link.

Another book by me having a distinct fan-following is Actionism -- How to Become a Responsible Man. This is about summing up your will, merging it with thought, and living by "Action as Being," "Movement as a State," and the "Memento Mori Mindset". -- "A wonderful read! It opens many doors." (Amazon review). Link.


Some other essays by me, all available on the net:

Science Fiction Seen From the Right. "[W]ith a title like Science Fiction from the Right, one can consider this an automatic purchase for anyone on the “Alt Right.”" (James O'Meara on Counter-Currents). Link.

Rigorism -- The Influence of Willpower Upon History.

Borderline -- A Traditionalist Outlook for Modern Man. "Svensson writes with a smooth ease..." (Heathen Harvest)


Finally, a novel:

Redeeming Lucifer. "This is a classic, exciting adventure story for all ages of the battle between Light and Dark, told with unique imagination and acute historical detail."(Amazon review). Link.


There you go. A fine bunch of books, eh...? Buy them now.

A similar post with Swedish angle
My author page on Amazon
Dog cat mouse -- a poem

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