
onsdag 29 november 2023

Book news: Polyhymnia (ed. Taunton 2023)

To unite sacrality with beauty isn't so easy... but a new anthology aims at doing just this.

In antiquity there were nine Muses, goddesses of the fine arts. The Muse of sacred poetry and eloquence was called Polyhymnia. And she has given her name to a new anthology: Polyhymnia -- A Collectanea of Verse.

The tome is edited and designed by Australian author Gwendolyn Taunton. The page count is 116 and the format is five by eight inches. You can buy it here.


The foreword presents the muses in general and Polyhymnia in particular. Then it discusses the sacred as such, for example juxtapositioning it to "the profane". The two can coexist and invigorate each other.

The sacred kind of needs the profane and vice versa.

Now over to the poetry, to the element of beauty also mentioned in the foreword. Again, Polyhymnia was the Muse for hymns and eloquence. And to praise something in a memorable way you need style, flair, a certain musical mood. And, to make a long story short, books seriousy treating the sacred, especially in relation to beauty, is rather uncommon today. So the ambition of this book can't be overpraised.

This book can be seen as aestheticism in motion, an art lover's creed anchored in the "vertical" dimension. Anchored in the astral world, the ideas, pleroma, nirvana, heaven.


The sacred... looking at the book's content, what does the poems proper say about it?

I personally have three poems in this book. They are, Infinite Opulence, Spera in Deo, and Byzantium Aquarium. They all kind of relate to sacrality and "the astral".

And the rest? Not all of them have that connection to the verical dimension intimated above. Both the sacred and the profane are acknowleged. Overall, I'd say there is a "mindful" element present. Converesely, there is nothing of "surfing on the net, taking drugs, worrying about current war x" -- none of that...! Here is aimed at something more substantial. More timeless. Not necessarily giving us "divine hymns" all the time. But that indefinable area of "something else, something beyond the Beyond" is generally trod and explored in this volume.


The other poets except for me in this anthology are: Katya Ganeshi, Stephen Nyandoro, David William Parry, Dani Ringrose, Aubrey Savage, Cody Sexton, Gwendolyn Taunton, Hilary Thiele, G. R. Tomaini, and Azsacra Zarathustra.

The design of the book is excellent. Except for the pertinent cover we have quaint title pages and other details giving you value for money.

As a contributor I can't judge this book wholly impartially -- but -- the book has a unique aura and the reader appreciating new, mindful stuff, with an aesthetic edge, should consider buying this one.

Buy the book on

The Dreamer's Description (poem)
Astral War (2023)
Painters and draughtsmen

lördag 25 november 2023

Mina böcker i svensk nätbokhandel: köpguide

In Swedish. -- Det finns diverse böcker av mig att köpa på nätet. Härmed ett urval inför julhandeln.

Mina böcker är tidlösa. Och därför ständigt aktuella.

Så é de ju...!

Så för att köpa mina böcker, härmed några länkar. Det blir ett urval ur min produktion; detta är typ de populäraste böckerna. Men för en titt på hela min produktion, gå till denna bibliografiska översikt.


Det gällde alltså länkar till köpställen för mina populäraste böcker.

Kanske är böckerna slut på vissa ställen. Så är det när man är populär.

Ett rike utan like: länkar till alla köpställen finns i detta inlägg.

Den heliga flamman: länkar till alla köpställen finns i detta inlägg.

Ernst Jünger -- en biografi: länkar här.

Trotylstorm i öster: länkar här.

Alla mina svenska titlar på


Det var mina svenska titlar. Så några engelska:

Astral War: länkar här.

Actionism: länkar här.

Ernst Jünger -- A Portrait: köp den t.ex på denna nätbokhandel.

Rigorism: länkar här.

Science Fiction Seen From the Right: länkar till köpställen här.

Alla mina Manticore-böcker på Bokus.

Vad blir då nästa bok av mig? Det vet jag inte. Förlagsmässigt har jag just nu inga nyheter att komma med. OK, alldeles nyss kom ju romanen Stellar Storm på Logik. Där har ni något att bita i, om ni vill ha något nyskrivet av mig.

I övrigt vet jag inte vad som kommer härnäst. Men rent kreativt har jag inga problem just nu. Att liksom "ur intet" få fram ny böcker är inte svårt för mig -- inte nu. Vad gäller själva skrivandet och skapandet så går det ganska lätt. Om Gud vill och skorna håller så kommer det nog något nytt framöver. Så stay tuned...

Ett rike utan like: presentation på denna blogg
Den heliga flamman: min senaste roman, presenterad på Galaxen
Ernst Jünger -- en biografi: min Jüngerbok, presenterad på Galaxen

onsdag 22 november 2023


In Swedish. -- Nu är det dags för sextonårsjubileum.

Galaxen jubilerar. Bloggen startades 22/11 2007. Och idag är det 22/11 2023. Därför är det idag sextonårsjbileum.


Det finns en del att se tillbaka på i bloggens historia. I år gör vi denna dragning: en titt på de radikala inläggen. De Sverigevänliga. De polemiska nationalistinläggen.

Det var väl så med denna blogg att jag gick ut lite löst i början. Skrev om ditt och datt. Men inte uttryckligen nationalism.

Men sedan tog det fart.

Bloggen startade som sagt 2007. Med diverse hjärtevärmade linlägg ur Svenssons liv och verk. Stilen var personlig men inte så värst politisk. Men inför valet 2010, då SD såg ut att bryta 4%-spärren och komma in i riksdagen, kom nationalismen på min dagordning.

SD:s roll dominerade då inrikesnyheterna, kan man säga.

Och SD möttes av en skitstorm utan like. Men jag stödde SD, röstade på dem i valet och är nöjd att de kom in i riksdagen. Och att de stannat där.

Och turbulensen kring detta fick mig på sikt att börja blogga om nationalism.


Har jag några saftiga gamla inlägg att länka till då? Inlägg om Sverige och allt det där?

Vi tar det i tidsordning.

. 2012: "Svensk" är ett sedvanebegrepp. -- Våra fiender säger alltid "vad är svensk, definiera svensk". Här ges ett vidare svar på detta, såsom att "svensk är ett sedvanebegrepp".

. 2013: Hur man debatterar ner antirasister. -- Detta är ett referat av en Youtube-video. Den filmen är idag borta. Men mitt referat finns kvar, här. Det är en nyttig grundkurs i hur "antirasism" används för att förtrycka oss.

. 2013: Att bekämpa kulturmarxismen. -- Polemisk text om kamp mot Frankfurtskolans idéer.

. 2013: Här för att stanna: begreppet "etnisk svensk". -- Kärnan i vår kamp: vi strder för vår överlevnad som etniska svenskar.

. 2014: PK-regimen är ett skräckvälde. -- Vi lever under förtryck, tro inte något annat...!

. 2017: Min svenska historia. -- 2017 kom Ett rike utan like, en pro-aktiv svensk historiebok. På 580 sidor predikas nationalism i historieskildringens form. Och detta inlägg samlar de polemiska godbitarna ur verket.

. 2022.En viktig fråga om vad som står i RF. -- Vår grundlag heter Regeringsformen. Där står inget om "mångkultur". Även om våra fiender hävdar motsatsen. Detta inlägg klargör denna viktiga fråga.

. 2023: Nationaldagspredikan. -- Varje år publicerar jag ett tal på nationaldagen, 6 juni. I år var talet synnerligen grundligt och långtgående. Det talade bland annat om hur vi idag, med DNA-forskning, kan bevisa att detta land alltifrån bronsåldern bestått av arier.

Det får räcka. För detta inlägg.

Men kampen går vidare. Kampen för ett fritt Sverige.

Alvernas Elivåg
Logikdagen i Älgarås 2021
Poddar med mig
Bilden är ur en gammal utgåva av Frithiofs saga

tisdag 14 november 2023

The Dreamer's Description (poem by Svensson, November 2023)

Hereby an epic poem... this is the gist of my creed... enjoy.

I will now give you the poem titled The Dreamer's Description.

The middle part of it has been published on the blog before. It just had to be included.

The following is a resounding statement of my creed. I got the inspiration for the title from Castaneda. In that corpus Don Juan once tells his disciple, "Are you ready for the Sorcerer's Description of the world?"

This held some weight. A statement leading to untold vistas of wonder and glory.

So this inspired me. But also, I must say: to avoid the sometimes bare-bones, un-musical nature of the Castanena books I went beyond it and called my creed "The Dreamer's Description".

That is all I have to say. It connects somewhat with the "Golden Yoga" I presented in Astral War. The doctrine of art as ethics.

Now let us go to the poem. To The Dreamer's Description.


This is the Dreamer’s Description... take notes.

This is Golden Yoga...

This is Mythopoesy...

This is a white limo with a diamond as a hood ornament... this is the portal symbol for my poem, this is the virtual stone lion guarding the entrance...

I am one... holding one gem in my hand, admiring the snap and fire, the luster, and the play of light in this very stone from heaven...

I am an army of one, a university of one... I am a magician celebrating his birthday... by giving you the Dreamer’s Description of the world... so listen up, I will say this only once...

It is all very simple...

I read spirit into everything – that’s the Dreamer’s Description...
All I do is sleep and dance and sing – that’s the Dreamer’s Description...
I see everything as myth and metaphor – that’s the Dreamer’s Description...

I always return to the same dream –
I’m old in the land of dreams –
dream is all I do – so everything I do, say, preach and teach
becomes dreamy, becomes the Dreamer’s Description of the world...


I’m a full-time dreamer,
an astral citizen,
a myth-maker and a magus.

And my world-view is called,
the Dreamer’s Description.

To appreciate it, you must
have read Borderline, Actionism
and all my novels – and live by them.
Live by Action As Being, Movement
As A State and Memento Mori.
Living by art as a way of life. Living
the spirit of, “life and thought are

You can’t sit at home concocting
the perfect moral system. You have
to test it IRL by trial and error.
By living it.

Do this, and you’re approaching
the Hero’s Journey, the Actionist Way,
the Dreamer’s Description.


The Dreamer’s Description
is giving you the signs
to build a dream on...
dream on... dream on...


This is the Dreamer’s Description of the World.

This is caput mortuum, cerise, and leaden grey.

This is Odin, Krishna, Silvery White, and all their friends... jötnar and gods, angels and demons, vittra and elves...

This is Zwei Männer den Mond Betrachtend... this is Jupiter and Semele, Toteninsel, Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer...

This is Europe après la pluie, The melancholy of a street, and Nic Roerich’s Arjuna...


My grandma used to tell me about vittra, shiny white creatures of the woods... this is the Dreamer’s Description.

My mom used to read me fairy tales... bedtime stories for a child of the moon, a child about to dream... she used to sing to me... and later on, she introduced me to Tolkien… she read of Gollum, living in a grotto beneath a mountain... very dreamy, very magic, very bronze age...

I am a magus maestro, untouched by the rational world view... I am assonance, affinity, mantra, spell, charm... my creed is given in myths, stories, riddles... I seek THE WORD, the word rich in meaning... rich as gold, rich as honey... “in the beginning was the Word, and in the end also” as the man said...

Dreaming of women... dreaming of Henrica... dreaming of Melina...

Woman, forest, ecstasy... death, night, blood... myth, saga, legend...

Sun, moon, sea, fire... initiation, inebriation, inspiration... bronze horns sounding out over virginal lands... pagan gods, rituals in the wood...

I’m a woods hermit and I will now enter the thousand mile taiga and live there... with my vittra damsel... in wonder and glory forever... “come on and join the elven’s dance... their wizardry and wild romance”...

She is woman, night, earth... intoxication, inspiration... enigma, fairy tale, myth... this is the future... these are the symbols that initiate us to the future... this is the metaphorical room we will inhabit...


This is the Dreamer’s Description...

Dream is all I do...

I dream, and the whole world is thereby affected... unmediated... through osmosis... thus the warm, bronze shimmering Dvāpara Yuga will replace the freezing cold Kali Yuga... and the sclerotic state of things will go south... with time...

It is written in the stars.

A musical, artistic, spiritual era replaces a rigid robot era...

The New Bronze Age encourages dreaming, astral travel, empathy...

Constant astral travel –

Constant vision quest –

Permanent state of emergency –

Constant meditation –


The new era calls for total mobilization for total war, total astral war...

This war is a war for your soul... and since the soul is everything – idam sarvam yad ayam ātmā – it is a total war...

Total War, Total Mobilization... Total Spiritual Mobilization...

Woman, night, death, dream... drunkenness and madness, narcissism and dharmashāstra... Krishna has 108 names, so does Odin...

Woman night death dream blood fire... this is the future... forest sea thousand mile taiga... this is the future... and not “city criticism asphalt”...

This is the dream I dream... I dream this and all are affected by it, putting the freezing cold Kali Yuga behind us... and entering a summery warm Dvāpara Yuga, an era of faith and hope, of building, of creativity, of shaping our own future... saying “enough” to the previous era of oppression, regimentation, and brainwashing...

An era of music and artistry replacing a mindless robot era...

An era of constant dreaming lies ahead... mindful dreaming... conscious dreaming... and “there is no stronger force than a dreamer awoken to action,” as the man said...

Golden Yoga –

Mythopoesy –

Dreamer’s Description –

Another epic poem: Vortex Master
Golden Yoga: Life as Art
Stellar Storm (2023)
Rigorism (2022)
Nils Blommér: Ängsälvor, 1850... it rougly translates as "Elven's Dance"

söndag 5 november 2023

The end of an era

Degeneracy and downfall... that's what I see around me.

We live in a kind of ancièn régime era... an era about to exhaust itself.

We are at the end of an era... the end of a short, cultural epoch, let's say the post-war epoch (1945-). Still, this is the end of it.

And here are the signs of it: the cover band is the epitome of music, literature is equal to gloomy, scared pedants writing for the salon, films are expensive spectacles about nothing, gourmet cooking is about "trompe l'oeil" effects, men wear makeup, and major power policy is about launching fear-based “campaigns”.

Go figure... this won’t last.

Bibliography of Svensson
Ernst Jünger -- A Portrait (2014)
Science Fiction Seen from the Right (2016)
Actionism (2017)