onsdag 12 mars 2025

The upcoming Evola book: update 3

As I've already told you, a new book by me is coming soon.

New book: update 1
New book: update 2

You know it by now. My next book will be about Julius Evola.

And I've already told you what the book will be like: here and here.

Today I will tell you what Evola means for me personally.


In the 90s I graduated from Uppsala University. As a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Indology. This study of ancient Sanskrit documents gave me a firm footing in Tradition™ -- though I didn't know it back then...!

I mean: I did know that now I had a firm foooting in something else than modern thought, nihilism, atheism, that which otherwise was taught at university. But that conceptual spin, that doctrinal framework of "this is Tradition, this is different from modernity" -- that was absent. True, I had read some books by Prabhupâda, the Hindu missionaire for Sanâtana Dharma. That was a start.

Later, in 2007, I went out on the internet. Then I learned of the Traditional School, with names like Guénon, Schuon -- and Evola.

This was it...!

These men talked about something I could relate to.

This Traditional School taught a doctrine, subsuming studies in ancient languages (I had also studied classic Greek) into a conceptual-polemical stance, saying, as intimated, this is Tradition, this is different from modernity...!


What was, then, the Traditional doctrine Evola preached? -- For this I refer to the upcoming book.

I will only say: Evola made me wise -- he made me wiser...!

This demands some explanation.

So I say: by the time I started buying and reading Evolian books -- in about 2010 -- I was already studied. I was already a well-read radical conservative. Spengler, Jünger, Nietzsche, Wagner, and Goethe, had alerady made me see things differently from the modernist nonsense otherwise proclaimed.

But these guys, though venerable, lack that extra spiritual depth. They lack that initiated strain of Evola and Guénon.

Therefore any true wiseman today must go beyond modern thought.

He must read the ontological classics.

And a first introduction into such a Traditionalism will be my book about Evola.

This is, in short, what Evola means to me and how you, too, can get wiser by employing the Traditional approach.

New book: update 1
New book: update 2

Evola's conception of the superman
Pagan Imperialism
In Swedish: A Review of Metaphysics of War

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