söndag 12 januari 2020

An Interview with Jack Steelnack, Part II

I recently published an interview with "Jack Steelnack, the Steeler". Now for Part II of this talk with a New Age superman.

Q: Describe yourself in one sentence.

A: I walk around town with a body language that says, "I'm the man"...

Q: Really...?

A: Really. 

Q: OK.

A: I'm the king of it all, that's just it. The king of swing of Enköping. I envision grandeur, striving, man's going off to create an empire among the stars. Like terraforming and colonizing Mars.

Q: Space is the place...!

A: It is; a unique endeavor for white man, Faustian man.

Q: I see. Now, further... you speak about Will-Thought, you speak about willpower and vision. However, others have done that before you.

A: Name one.

Q: OK, I can't expressly do that. 

A: Ha-ha. But I do admit that I have forebears in the rigorist realm. I stand on the shoulders of giants. Like Jünger.

Q: They call you superman.

A: And I am. With willpower and vision I shape reality. Reality obeys the will of a dedicated man.

Q: Indeed?

A: Indeed. I'm a myth, not a man; I'm spirit, not matter. I walk the hard road, not the soft and easy road.

Q: You're superman, then... a virtual god...!

tisdag 7 januari 2020

An Interview with Jack Steelnack, aka. "the Steeler," aka. "Superman in a Sidecap"

We all know Jack Steelnack: "The Steeler," "superman in a sidecap"... that's how we know him, that's some of the nicknames he goes by. And we've all seen him drive around town in his red limo, and we've all seen him standning in his red mansion looking out over the urban vistas; see the pic above...! That's him alright. So, we know him that much. But -- for a deeper probing of him and his worldview, hereby an interview with this living legend. -- Part Two of the interview is here.

We've had the honor of interviewing Jack Steelnack, superman of the new age and an upcoming politician with his Steely ideology. The text will be reproduced below in Q/A form; needless to say, "Q" means our question, "A" means Mr. Steelnack's answer.

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Q: Starting at the beginning, at the nexus of all realities, I'd say: what’s your opinion of God?

A: I worship God. I live with his light before my eyes. 

Q: You do?

A: Yes. God is within me, before me... He's always there. You could say: from his Unfathomable Being a light shines forth, illuminating my mind. Giving me a path to follow.

Q: So faith in God is a centerpiece of your creed?

A: It is. My creed is called Steelism. It shimmers like blue steel in the night -- a hard creed -- a rigorous creed. Fight, strive... life is about being active, conducting operations. Action brings knowledge; conversely, to just sit and think doesn't lead to true understanding. Contemplation must be balanced by action.

Q: Then Steelism, to me, seems like a hard creed, a creed for the active man... but there's faith in God in it, too...?

A: There is. Walking this hard road you can always draw strength from the Source, from God.

Q: Would you label yourself a shaman?

A: I would. A kind of magician, an alchemist; an active idealist, a fighter for truth.

Q: Fight to the death, eh...?

A: Fight for the fight itself. Keep always on the move. Never stop the action...

Q: Who are the worst enemies of the Western world?

A: Defeatism. Dejection. Weakness of will.

Q: You speak of will. Is will-worship compatible to God-worship?

A: It is. Will is always pure. It is desire we must avoid. Desire is materialistic. Will is spiritual.

Q: So Steelism is a kind of voluntarist theism?

A: Put academically -- yes.

[And that closes the first part of the talk. Here is Part II.]

Part Two of the Interview
Astral War
Johnnie Holt -- First on Mars (short story)
Actionism -- the Next Big Thing