fredag 4 oktober 2024

Preachment 7: Grand and glorious

It is preachment time again...

It is again time to preach, to make an arousing statement.

Previous installments of the series are:

Preachment 1: Veteran of the psychic wars
Preachment 2: The great army
Preachment 3: Free and fluid
Preachment 4: Triple time
Preachment 5: God and man
Preachment 6: Superman


And so we begin today's preachment... 4 October 2024.

I walk along... the Milky White way... night and day...

I am the mystic spiral, the magic vortex...

The loyalty of a believer is guaranteed by an oath. On the other hand, an atheist can only be controlled by blackmail.

Well, there you go... and I have faith, I have divine influxus...


I’m divine.

You could say: I’m a man, a physical body needing fuel and sleep, but in that body a soul is dwelling, a refined soul having a divine spark in it.

That’s what makes me divine. You could say that I’m a god, lower case g, acknowledging the top God. I’m a self-ordained god-man, realizing I have God within.

I am grand and glorious...
Grandiose and lofty...
I am palatial, august, elevated...
Rich, opulent, eminent...
Stately, luxurious, regal...
I am majestic.
I am sublime.
I am something else.

I am movement as a state. I am rest in action. I am action as being.

I am action man, dvāpara man... I am amen man, electric man... I am total man, absolute man, magician man.

I have become comfortably strong.


I meditate on the Absolute. I mobilize my Will in order to control my whole being – my whole human and divine gestalt – controlling every nerve, every muscle, every thought, every emotion.

I have transcended the human condition. I am total man, absolute man, responsible man – a divya, a vīra, existing “jenseits von Gut und Böse”.

Preachment 1: Veteran of the psychic wars
Preachment 2: The great army
Preachment 3: Free and fluid
Preachment 4: Triple time
Preachment 5: God and man
Preachment 6: Superman

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