The primordial series continues. Now we go to Atlantis.
Index to the whole series
1. Hyperborea
2. Lemuria
4. Egypt
We now continue the story of man’s secret past by looking at the development on Atlantis. Some tangible facts and stories will be reproduced pertaining to this subject. As we are wont to do, we will also try to find the spiritual meaning of this era. What did “Atlantis” mean for mankind’s spiritual development?
Many esoteric doctrines propose the existence of a continent in the Atlantic Ocean, having its heyday about 50,000 BCE and going under about 10,000 BCE. This study will accept the theory as such, that Atlantis did exist and that it had some meaning for man’s development.
According to the theory, Atlantis had a mainland and a capital on an island in the north, Poseidonis. In the center of that island was the Temple of One, dedicated to the source of existence, to God. This indicates that the Atlanteans were not ontological nihilists, they were not into skepticism, “critical theory,” philosophical materialism or other wayward doctrines typical of overblown, tired cultures. Atlantis was a vigorous culture, mirrored in the overall belief in a singular, higher reality as the source for everything. For, in the same way as a mountain range has one summit there is one source of reality, one force guaranteeing the existence of it all with his Will and Thought: God. And the nature of God is described in this book.
According to one, specific, esoteric source, the Metatron website, Atlantis was aptly ruled by the Law of One – the idea of one source for reality, the idea of God as a creator and upholder of the creation, a state to be affirmed and acknowledged by his spiritual children, mankind. Metatron further says that in the capital, Poseidonis, was the Temple of One, housing a special crystal – the OM crystal. – This indicates even further the perennial nature of Atlantean esotericism; the spiritual life of Atlantis sowed seeds that lived on in later traditions, like the saying “OM” that is a center piece of Hindu thought, being the performative statement of “the unity between the individual soul with the all-soul,” the alpha and omega expressed in the primeval sound of the universe.
The OM crystal might need to be elaborated upon; it does become a bit technical but it is worth to look closer at, to give some substance to the Atlantis narrative, give the whole thing some “telling detail”. – In terms of crystal technology, we already know that crystals have strange properties. Just think of the crystal receiver (a radio not needing electricity to run), laser, and quartz crystals in watches. And Metatron says the following of the OM crystal, the “royal crystal of Atlantis”. Per se, it is said to still exist today – however, now located somewhere in Mount Shasta’s powerful, solitary mountain range in Northern California. Depending on its particular composition, it is said to have a silvery luster. Further it is said that the OM crystal is an amalgam of “crystalline platinum,” gold and mercury plus “hyper-quartz,” which is a synthesis of quartz and diamond.
Metatron says that the Atlantean science priest Atla-Ra called this artefact the Crystal of Multidimensionality. This crystal is spiritually alive; it has senses (but no organs). Through its synthesis of platinum, gold and hyper-quartz it can emit and amplify light, space, and time.
As mentioned the crystal was located on the central city island of Poseidonis in the Temple of One. Sitting on a hill to the city’s north side, the temple was laid out according to sacred geometry with respect to the “spirit of the place” (genius loci) and energy fields. In the middle of the temple sat the cylindrical crystal with its two, pointed ends. The artefact was sealed by rotating rings that created an anti-gravitational field. The disciples could use the OM crystal for travels in space and time; it was a dimensional portal. As such it really seems to be a glorified crystal: it has its own life, its structure reflecting the entire cosmos. The platinum beam it emits can balance the human cleavage between the right and left brain, male and female.
The OM crystal has the cosmic laws within itself; it vibrates harmoniously with each dimension and density, each world of the Omniverse. It bridges the difference between matter and antimatter. It has 144 facets. The top and bottom are angled at 51.6 degrees, like the sides of the Great Pyramid.
Adjacent to the Temple of One was Atla-Ruum’s University, an elementary mystery school. On the schedule were mathematics and physics, sacred geometry, hyper- and multidimensionality, astral travel, crystal chemistry, and alchemy. Allegedly, the teaching staff was ascended masters and adepts from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda, and Sirius A and B.
As for crystal technology on Atlantis we have another source for that, Edgar Cayce (1877-1945; his name is pronounced “keisi,” as such rhyming with “daisy”). This American medium and mystic said that he had spent a previous life on Atlantis. 650 of his so-called “readings,” statements made in trance, deal with Atlantis. He spoke of a grand civilization using electricity and crystal technology, among other things propelling flying machines. Cayce then spoke of the land’s downfall due to materialism and indulgence [Cayce 1998].
Ancient Greek writer Plato (428-348 BCE) also spoke of the downfall of Atlantis depending on the irresponsible lifestyle of its inhabitants. Once, however, Plato meant, it was a noble culture led by priest kings. An interesting piece of information given by Plato (in the dialogue “Kritias”) is that the civilization of Atlantis was founded by the god Poseidon. With his female dual Kleito he engendered five pairs of twin sons, the first being Atlas after whom the land was named. The ten sons divided the land between them.
Plato says more of Atlantis, like describing the capital Poseidonis with its peculiar pattern of concentric rings with moats in between and the central part being that of the priest kings. This is a pattern also described by Drunvalo Melchizedek, to whose narrative (given in The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, 1998) we now turn. Melchizedek, an American born 1941, claims that he has the following info from a reliable source, Thoth himself, the demigod of Egyptian fame who before his ascension was a priest king on Atlantis.
If Melchizedek’s story is “gospel truth” is hard to say. However, many of his statements are corroborated in a famous ancient document, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. In the 1998 book we are given an interesting theory filling in some gaps, both of the Emerald Tablets and of Plato’s story. For example, in one instance Melchizedek clarifies what in Plato’s narrative has become clouded by myth; it is about “the ten parts division” of the land that Plato intimates, the story that the land was divided between Poseidon’s ten sons. Melchizedek, in a more credible way, says that the creators of the Atlantis civilization, the priest kings that he calls Nacaals, laid out a plan for ten cities on Atlantis’ mainland according to what was later known as the Sephiroth Tree of Life, a device known from occult tradition.
Further, Melchizedek confirms the specific layout of the capital, Poseidonis, as having a central island surrounded by a moat and then rings of land and water alternating, just as Plato describes it in “Kritias”.
Overall Melchizedek, in The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol 1, tells a lot about the moral, social and political history of Atlantis, something to check out for the dedicated student of “secret history”. One key aspect of this Atlantis history is how, reportedly, Atlantis in its early days (about 100,000 BCE) was a thriving spiritual civilization; its inhabitants were like children, they were creative but a wee bit naïve. They had that inherent, Silver Age, “Lemurian” piety but they were kind of lethargic; they didn’t develop.
Then Melchizedek makes a bold statement: at this stage, a Martian contingent moved to Atlantis. Human beings from Mars, settled on that planet two million years go by a Pleiadean colonization, found a way to translocate to Atlantis, going from Mars to Earth by way of an artificial “merkaba,” a transdimensional device. And, according to esoteric theory, this merkaba was enabled by the pyramid complex still seen on Mars in the region of Cydonia, near the so-called Cydonia Sphinx. It was a kind of portal, a stargate if you will.
In the Sephiroth pattern of the Atlantis settlement there were two empty spaces, two rings or spots left vacant. The Martians now (that is, in their own, remote past, 1 million year ago in Martian history) homed in on such a spot and, the translocation also being a trip in time, emerging on Atlantis through the merkaba stargate at 65,000 BCE, Earth era. The other empty spot is said to have been occupied by another foreign contingent, the alleged ancestors of the Hebrews. In that case, along with the alleged “Pleiadean seeding of Hyperborea,” the Martians seem to have been another ancestral element of white people, “Aryans”.
Melchizedek doesn’t mention much of what the Hebrews did on Atlantis. However, the Martians (= primordial Aryans) play some role for the following – because, being at an advanced level of development, proficient in technology, they now co-opted Atlantean culture and forced its peaceful, intuitive and somewhat naïve population into a strain of materialism, dominance, and submission. If so, this was the time when Atlantis started to develop in an irresponsible manner, the way of black magic and material indulgence.
The Martian population element on Atlantis eventually decided to take control of the whole world, done by building another merkaba with pyramids and other structures. This advanced experiment (by Melchizedek called “a Lucifer experiment”) wreaked havoc with the very fabric of reality – for, when executing the process the space-time fabric itself was rent asunder. As a not unimportant side note, this explains why the Bermuda Triangle shows the anomalies it does – for, allegedly, they are the effects of this merkaba experiment having gone wrong. A merkaba is made up of two unified, directionally opposed pyramid structures and the Bermuda Triangle is the very outlines of one of them, the one pointing upwards.
A lot of conflict ensued on Atlantis thanks to this and eventually the continent went under. We will not go into the details here. However, as for the migration the downfall forced, many sources hints at the possibility of the Atlanteans escaping to the east and the west, spreading their culture and their architectural style to both America and the Middle East. For his part, Kjellson by way of A. H. Merlac (De la creation des planets, 1915) points at the existence of pyramids in both places, as well as the linguistic similarity of names like the five Central American places Chol-ula, Coluacan, Zuivan, Colima and Xalisco having their striking counterparts in the Armenian places Chol, Colua, Zuiva-na, Cholima and Zalissa. In other words, these are indicia of Atlantean migration to both the east and the west.
Additionally, there is said to be similarities between the Hebrew language and the language of Chiapenec Indians, as well as between the Basque language in Europe and the language of the Algonkin-Lenape Indians in America [Kjellson p 76-77].
Atlantis is the main key to the secret history of man. Many ancient documents intimate the existence of it – even the Bible. Details aside, you could interpret the Bible (Genesis) like this: the Flood meant the sinking of Atlantis. Before this, “before the flood,” “ante diluvium” = in antediluvian times, we saw long-lived men, the fabled patriarchs, like Adam, Seth, Enos etc, being around 900 years old. Esoterically speaking they were Atlantean men, living in the Silver Age before the flood, a time of peace, prosperity and spiritual spree.
Specifically, according to Biblical myth, Adam was 930 years, Seth 912, Enos 905, Kenan 910, Mahalalel 895, Jared 962, Enoch 365 (he didn’t actually die, but was taken away by God), Methuselah 969, Lamech 777, Noah 950.
As you see, these antediluvians lived long lives... and that (says esoteric theory) is because they lived before the above intimated downfall of man, the sinking of his spiritual being and his abilities. For after Noah, the man living through the downfall by rescuing himself and others in a boat, fleeing Atlantis and starting a life in the Middle East, men started living lives of more normal length. That was the postdiluvian condition, fully in accord with the story presented in the book you are now reading.
Verily we had adownfall, the deluge. One fine esoteric pointer of it we get in the apocryphal The Book of Enoch. In this majestic story the catastrophe is described, not as a rain for 40 days, but in disturbances of the land itself. See for instance Chapter LXV, p. 85: “And in those days Noah saw the Earth that it had sunk down and its destruction was nigh.” And “there was a great commotion on the Earth”.
So, we underline that this would mean: the land was shaken and sank down, just like Atlantis is said to have been before its downfall. That is, there is no mention in The Book of Enoch of rain for 40 days etc. which is a later addition and deviation.
Before we continue the Atlantis story by looking at the intriguing character of Thoth-Hermes, let’s see what Agerskov says about the culture of Atlantis.
Occupying the northern-mid Atlantic, shaped like a reversed, almost prone “S”, the island of Atlantis was about 5/6 the size of Spain. Atlantis went under 12,000 BCE through a sinking of the ocean floor in combination with violent volcanic eruptions. The last phase lasted ten months, and the absolute last remnants of Atlantis disappeared within a couple of hours, leaving an indelible impression later to surface in myths all over the world. The inhabitants fled east to Egypt and west to America, in the latter place with time merging with Indian tribes such as Nahua, Aztek, Inka, and Toltek. As for civilizational development, these cultures were far less advanced than the Atlantean culture, although reminiscences of its spirit science remained. The previous, Lemurian overlay on American soil made America into fruitful ground for this.
According to Agerskov the culture of Atlantis was a mixture of advanced and primitive, like the priests knowing how to distinguish between planets and stars, as well as being able to predict sun and lunar eclipses but attributing them to the doings of an evil spirit. – The material culture was based on husbandry, hunting and fishing. Pottery was rather advanced and gold, copper and to some extent silver were known and processed. The architecture was advanced. Lyrical poems, especially as religious hymns, were cultivated; at the sacrificial ceremonies these hymns were recited by priests and accompanied by cymbals made of copper discs.
A special case of Atlantean material culture was a primitive kind of printing technique reminiscent of hectography. For the moldable mass, that on which you formed the master, the block on which you shaped the signs, the priests used a decoction of ground fish and animal bones, distilled and poured into a flat clay mold. Papyrus or parchment were unheard of, instead, tightly woven fabrics of plant fiber were used for printing on. The color used in printing was primarily made of burnt bone mixed with a glue element. The way of writing was pictography though abstract signs sometimes were used.
Politically, Atlantis was divided into three realms with a common supreme ruler, the latter presumably the priest king of the Nacaal brotherhood previously mentioned. In one of the realms the succession to the throne was inherited, both on the distaff and the sword side. The highest ruler was also high priest and first temple servant, a priest king such as Thoth had been.
We now continue the Atlantis story by looking at this key player, Thoth, the very figure serving as the alleged source of Drunvalo Melchizedek’s story.
Melchizedek says that he has met Thoth in modern days. Details and credibility aside, Thoth in this respect is said to be a human Earthling subsequently arisen to a state of immortality, living in 4d and beyond and able to materialize in the everyday of 3d reality – like an ascended master, although he is not commonly counted among their “Great White brotherhood”. Let us, then, call him a demigod, a divinity known from Egyptian and Western esotericism, in the latter case in the form of Hermes.
In any case, Thoth is a useful character to bring the story of man’s spiritual development further – currently by looking at Melchizedek’s version, which states that after having been a priest king on Atlantis Thoth and his Nacaal friends survived the downfall; with an immaterial, fully manageable merkaba (a virtual vessel driven by Will-Thought) they traveled east, to Egypt. Again we say that this is also mentioned in Thoth’s own story, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, an esoteric classic still to be bought in a stylish translation.
Atlantis went under but man survived, migrating to the east and the west where tribes of men already lived during Atlantean times. However, the Atlantean downfall meant that man’s mental profile, his spiritual talent was dimmed, his collective aura was damaged due to having dabbled in irresponsible science like the “Lucifer experiment” on Atlantis. To use a terminology explained in Chapter Twelve: in the past, in the Hyperborean Golden Age and the Atlantean Silver Age, the very nature of reality was more spiritual, more refined, less material. It was a fourth density reality, what some call “the dreamtime,” a slightly dreamy, “wavering,” less solid reality where mindful aspects such as Will, Thought and Compassion were more to the fore than in our current third density reality, the reality of material desire, conditioning and separation.
The fall of Atlantis meant man’s virtual descent into matter, into a muddled mind, a mindset of desire and separation leaving only a faint memory of the divine presence. How, then, to have man again raise himself to full consciousness? Thoth and friends decided to help in this, summoning the help from highly advanced, 12d beings – Devas – in constructing a Divine Consciousness Grid on Earth, helping man to again achieve a spiritual mindset, helping us to receive the divine impulse by way of teachers like Zarathustra, Orpheus, Kṛṣṇa, and Christ.
To get ahead a bit, it can be said that today, in the 21st century, man has indeed reached this kind of elevated consciousness, being able to conceptually leave 3d duality and materialism behind and gain true spirituality, harmony and brotherhood in 4d and beyond. The date crucially separating the old age from the new seems to have been 11/11 2011; this, according to us, is the Magic Zeropoint.
Technically, the Divine Consciousness Grid has nodes such as Chichen Itza, Stonehenge and the Giza Pyramids. Among the latter, the only one counting spiritually is the oldest, constructed by Thoth as a mental image and then materialized in 3d, virtually “reverse engineered” so as only to appear to have been built by human hands. This according to Melchizedek, being the most original explanation of the origins of the pyramid I have ever seen. And The Emerald Tablets confirms it.
As for the Egyptian development per se Thoth and friends are said to have started civilization anew around 6,000 BCE. With time, around 4,000 BCE, this had given rise to tangible results in the oldest remains of the Egyptian civilization. About the same time, with the help of other demigods of the positive kind, civilization in the Middle East also got going. As for Thoth’s role in starting a spiritual civilization it is testified by other sources than Melchizedek. For instance, we have the ancient Greek Pythagoras (580-495 BCE) who said that Thoth / Hermes led him to a chamber under the Pyramid where he was taught the secret doctrine of ontology and geometry.
Thoth also instructed Abraham, the Semitic patriarch. Thoth became the virtual origin of many religions; for, through various disciplic successions he even taught such men as Plato and Zarathustra. This is a mainstay of the above intimated theory of the “Prisca Theologia,” that all religions have the same conceptual center (Lat. priscus – cf. primus, first etc. – ancient, primeval, old, archaic). In other words, this is Perennialism, the eternal (Lat. perennis) doctrine based on the idea of one source for reality, God, his light being the essential element of all creatures great and small, all of reality, all of the animal, plant and mineral kingdom. This Unity of Reality is uttered in many on the surface different traditions but in essence all being of the same ilk. Again, that is the gist of Perennialism, Prisca Theologia, the Major Tradition taking shape in Christianity, Hinduism, Shamanism, Gnosticism, etc., the eternal doctrine of Light uttering itself in scriptures like Gnostic documents, the Bible, the Rig Veda, the Upanishads etc. – and, more-or-less perfectly, in extant forms of worship and custom.
In the next chapter we will take a closer look at Egypt.
Agerskov, Michael. Toward the Light. 1920 (in Swedish as "Vandra mot ljuset")
Cayce, Edgar. Edgar Cayce on Atlantis. 1998
Kjellson, Henry. Teknik i forntiden. 1984
Melchizedek, Drunvalo. The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, vol 1. 1998
What happened on Hyperborea
What happened in Lemuria
Nicholas Roerich. The Last of Atlantis
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