onsdag 27 juli 2022

Jack Steelnack: the saga continues

Jack Steelnack... we've met him before... and now he's here to take center stage as teacher and preacher, artwork and superman...

There he stands... Jack Steelnack... before his mansion... an exclamation mark in the architecture, a union of time and space, past and present, history and future...

That's him alright... that's him AltRight... the Absolute Man, Total Man, Magician Man... Sonnenmensch Divya... the mindful superman... the responsible man...

He's simply the man... he's simply Actionism embodied... Actionism personified... Actionism summarized in a human gestalt...

Gestation period over... now he's here amongst us... revealed like a divinity... a superman, overman, man plus...


One man, against the universe... a single gestalt symbolizing the Man to Come... a king, priest and prophet in one...

There he stands... like a high priest, conducting a ceremony... a high priest, high on life... a priest inaugurating the New Age... a preacher preaching about the whiteness of space...


He cruises into town... just like some sacred cow... visions of grandeur in his head... hubris and megalomania... egomania... monomania...


Absolute Man... Total Man... Magician Man...


You might wonder, "what occupation has he, this indescribable Mr. Steelnack? He must be something extra, something exclusive, like an artist..."

But then we say: he isn't an artist... he himself is the artwork...


He cruises into town, stops in the square, and says:

"O all ye citizens of Dharma Town... ye married moms, soccer moms, divorced moms, queen-of-proms... ye sf fans, fantasy fans, weird horror fans, crime fans, fans-n-slans... ye altrighers and allrighters... ye Nietzscheans and Switzerlands... all ye creatures great and small... I love you all, and I bless you all."

As Total Man, Divine Man, he blesses us... rightly so... this is no mere show, no theatrical release... for in his being he has THE LIGHT... in him is engrained the I AM wisdom... thus, at the same time he is the most egoistic, and most pious person thinkable... he is God's Stellvertreter on earth... God's locum tenens...

He acknowledges God... and he, Mr. Steelnack, is a smaller numen under him...

God is God... and Jack is god, lower case g...

That's the god and superman he is.


He stands before his house, alone, for only thus can you be a superman icon... he is alone in front of his house just as he meditates alone, sings alone, prophesies alone...

Prophesying is no group activity...


He is a living work of art... by merely living, talking, doing stuff he exudes divine power... he gives us "that old razzle-dazzle"... by merely going about his business in Dharma Town...

He is god... he is superman... he is victory... victory... victory...

He lives in a palace with infinite hallways, infinite goldbars, infinite opulence...

He is superman... overman... man plus...

He talks to the animals, it's incredible...

He has a female dual, like any god... every god has his goddess... and Jack's dual is Melina Starr... a superwoman for a superman... he adores her, she adores him... and the gods made love...


He goes down town in his fancy car, a chariot of the gods...

He sings,
If you've got a car, a trailer or a jeep,
Mercury Cougar, make sure it aint cheap,
Chevy Corvette, Metropolitan Met,
a Dodge or a Fudge –
then baby I can drive your car... I can drive your car...
Wheels... a glint of steel and a flash of light...


He is art, he is myth, he is fairy tale come real...

And you, you who need problems, maladies, everyday nagging for a text to be relatable, I can only say: O ye of little faith...

You have no place in this... just go, and let us be done with you... you "Debbie Downers" and all like you... nihilists, pessimists, and atheists... the golden triad of sophism... all you psychoanalysts, particle physicists, and class struggle prophets...

This just aint for you... Jack Steelnack has got nothing to say to you...


Jack Steelnack is Actionism... Actionist No 1... Actionist paragon... energist aestheticist... his life is his art and his art is his life... he just can't avoid being artistic... just see the pic of his palace, just marvel at the wonders inside... of the galery and the grand hall and the oratorium and the bathorium and the libratorium... with books of wonder for an age of wonder...


Absolute Man... Total Man... Magician Man...

Moving in circles around you...

Processing data at lightning speed...

Sometimes he just sits there, observing you...

He doesn't seek happiness... he has it already... in his ever-ongoing meditation, he embraces action, inaction, bliss, quiet, happiness... he is Movement As State... Action As Being... you know the drill...


Jack Steelnack says:

"The whole culture is antiwhite... which leaves the world to whiteness and to me..."


When he's upset he takes a deep breath and says, "I AM"...

When he's feeling low and dejected, he takes a deep breath and says, "I AM"...

So you see, whether he's up or down he just meditates for a while, ending up in equilibrium... that's samatva, that's apateia, that's superman equanimity through thick and thin...


He goes downtown in his bronze-shimmering coupe... controlling it perfectly... reading the instruments... speed, 70 km/h... time, 1.30 PM... exterior temperature, 10 centigrade...

He parks his car... he goes away through the urban labyrinth... he enters a marble house and interacts with people... he goes out unto a balcony and delivers a speech, saying, "I am the savior of the white race, bringing endless grace"...

Standing ovation from the crowd...

And after a while Jack continues his speech... and he says, "I will give you the stars... I will liberate you, and then show you the way to Mars... and then the stars..."

"I'm seeing the stars, like dust... I travel to Mars, it's a must..."

Apprehensive silence from the crowd...

"First we crush antiwhiteism, then we'll head for the stars... that's the program... that's my unique message... no one else on the whole planet says this... therefore, follow me... listen to my message... my basic message... which is... today the world, tomorrow the stars..."

"An unequalled renaissance will come... we shall raise the world from its lethargy"...


Total Man... Absolute Man... Magician Man...

Astral Man... god-man... superman...

Sonnenmensch... overman... man plus...

Jack Steelnack -- the Interview
Actionism -- the Next Big Thing
Golden Yoga -- Life as Art

lördag 23 juli 2022

Good reads, 23 July 2022

I've just read these books... fact and fiction, all in a jumble.

R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, The Temple in Man (1949)... an essay interpreting the Egyptian temple of Luxor as an esoteric library in stone. I got some wisdom out of it... about as much as I did from John Anthony West's Serpent in the Sky (1979), which tries to explain Lubitsch's book. Worth the effort if you have some esotericist foundation, otherwise this pair will be Greek to you.

Arthur Machen, The Great God Pan (1894)... a horror novel that influenced Lovecraft... Machen's novel is a bit slow and cumbersome, yet it was rather challenging when it came, intimating Pagan numinosities. This novel is mostly of historical interest but it does live in a kind of mythopoetic grey area... it has potential, it has flashes of brilliance. Available on Project Gutenberg here.

H. Beam Piper, Omnilingual (1957)... a short about explorers of Mars, searching through ruins of a bygone civilization... in focus is the decoding of its language... absolutely tops, succinct and rich in detail, meaning, and mimesis... available on Project Gutenberg here.

Raymond Chandler, The Little Sister (1949)... a succession of meaningless LA mileus and sleazy characters, nevertheless it kept me hanging on till the end. When Chandler avoided preaching, avoided diatribes of how bad life is he wrote with flair... that is, when the "active nihilism" comes to the fore it's a nice ride. One memorable scene is near the end, when a B-movie star named Dolores Gonzales arrives in a Mercury convertible and wants Marlowe to come along and rescue a common friend... I will say no more, this scene (which is merely a build-up to a dramatic denoument) has got it all... mostly in the form of understated dialogue... and the car, the Merc... a luxury car for its era... this just tops it off... Chandler liberally gives us names of the make of cars, that's a huge plus for atmosphere... the novel came out in 1949 but it must have been written somewhat earlier, given the usual magazine publishing before novelization... so I guess it was something like a 1946-48 Merc she drove... like the one in the pic.

Rigorism (2022)
Target: Mars
SF Seen From the Right
Pic: Mercury 1948

onsdag 13 juli 2022

So then, Kali Yuga is over -- but what does it MEAN...?

Good evening and welcome to this post. This text tells you what it is all about -- what traditionalism means, what new age means, what paganism means... in view of the Kali Yuga having ended.

Kali Yuga is over. I have just told you about the formal calculation supporting this view.

Now for the philosophical meaning of it.


I’d say, the meaning of this is substantial. The implications of it are quite fundamental to our whole being as westerners of the 21st century.

For us of the radical-conservative persuation, knowing that the Kali Yuga is over, is of tremendous consequences.

I mean, think about it...

Look at the sources of the current radical traditionalism. Look at any “trad-rad,” any modern nationalist, any identitarian white person, any latter-day Pagan, mindfulness practitioner, Faustian romantic, Wagnernian, Nietzschean, new age enthusiast...

At what time in history did these particular movements appear? – They appeared in the late 1800s. The time when Kali Yuga ended.

Rudolf Steiner is the advocate of the “1899 end of Kali Yuga”. And even if you take the other relevant consideration into view, Yogānandajīs “1700 end of Kali Yuga,” it applies, because between the end of an age and the beginning of a new we have a transitional period called sandhyānsa – a period of about 400 years.


Face up to it: Kali Yuga ended about this time (1700s, to be definitely over by about 1899), and this time saw the rise of countless liberation movements for Europeans: nationalism, paganism, wicca, Nietzsche’s critique of sclerotic Christianity and his supermanism, Wagner’s sweeping dramas of Germanic heroes – and, last but not least, all the new age doctrines beginning with Madame Blavatsky’s Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine 1877-1888.

This whole cultural movement is a symptom of the iron age of Kali Yuga ending, and the more free, creative, Lebensnah (“close to life”) era of Dvapara Yuga beginning.

The oppressive age of Kali Yuga, characterized by things like Christianity’s spiritual regimentation, and nationalism curbed by the internationalism of the Catholic church, and the early modern era’s rather unimaginative art, literature, and drama – all this suddenly ends and blooms in Dvapara Yuga’s indescribable renaissance of the Jugend era, the era of Art Nouveau – the era of Arts and Crafts, of pagan revival in both spiritual and artistic domains, of ariosophic speculation like that of Guido von List, in traditionalist outings like those of Julius Langbehn, Alfred Schuler, Stefan George, Evola, Guénon, Schuon.

To this, it was the era when Aleister Crowley appeared, the man who gave us the oft quoted wisdom, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole law” – which, details aside, is an adage for liberation against oppression.

The era also saw the rise of nationalist movements from Greece to Finland, from Norway to Italy, yea, over the whole of Europe.

You know what I’m talking about. The late 1800s was a unique time of liberation, of spiritual awakening. This era saw a whole avalance of spiritual liberation movements for Faustian man.


Hereby another aspect of this.

In order to characterize the different ages – Kali, Dvapara, Treta, and Satya – Yogānandajī referred to them as, respectively: Material age, Electric or Atomic age, Mental age, and Spiritual age [God Talks With Arjuna, p. 425].

Beginning with the transition between Kali and Dvapara, we have, in other words, in the modern era gone from a Material age to an Electric-Atomic age.

This is strikingly obvious. For, we all know that electricity began to be examined and successfully employed for scientific and societal means from about 1800 and on. And that atomic energy was to employed from the late 1800s and on.

And in the past, in the Dvapara Yuga that cyclically preceded the Kali Yuga around 3000 BCE, India saw the use of electrically driven airships called vimānas; see Bhāgavata Purāṇa. And in the Mahābhārata war atomic weapons were used, such as the brahmāstra.

It all fits the pattern.


Since we in this article now have “gone east,” let us conclude the survey in that vein.

For, we say: Kali Yuga starting in 3000 BCE, and ending about 1899 CE, also makes the Hindu pattern of “Viṣṇu’s avatars” meaningful.

If Viṣṇu has ten avatars, the four latter ones appear like this: Rāma, 5000 BCE; Kṛṣṇa, 3000 BCE; Buddha, rather close to year 0; Kalki, at the end of Kali Yuga, that is, around 1899 CE.

CE means “current era” = now. And this my calculation, based on Sri Yukteswar, makes the Viṣṇu pattern of avatars make sense (while some other gurus’ chronology of “Kali Yuga lasting 432,000 years,” makes it completely unintelligible).

So then... if Kalki appears at the end of Kali Yuga, and that end was 1899, then who was he known as in the west...?

If Kali Yuga ended in 1899, if that was a conjunction of two yugas – then what?

Consider Bhāgavata Purāṇa 1.3.28, prophesying the advent of Kalki:

“Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Viṣṇu Yaśā. At this time almost all the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers.”

Again: Kali Yuga ended in 1899; this is the end of Kali Yuga, and the beginning of Dvapara Yuga... “the conjunction of two yugas” as the verse says... and so I ask you, what famous European politician was born about then... a politician whom Serrano and Devi has pointed out as exactly the tenth avatar of Vishnu, as Kalki...?

I rest my case.

Kali Yuga -- the correct chronology
Painters and Draughtsmen
Svensson: Bibliography

söndag 3 juli 2022

Boknytt: Den heliga flamman (Svensson 2022)

In Swedish. -- Min senaste bok är en fantasyroman. Det är en äventyrshistoria med hjältar, fältslag, svävande städer, gudar och demoner, svåra uppdrag och sköna damer. Dessutom är det en radikalkonservativ historia; temat är, "hur ska man som traditionalist bete sig i en degenererad värld...?"

Köp boken på Logik

En podd som behandlar romanen

Fantasy. Episk fantasy. Fantasy i en medeltidsaktig värld, fantasy à la Tolkien, Moorcock och Zelazny -- det är vad jag denna gång kan bjuda på.

Med andra ord så har nu, med Logiks hjälp, den eminenta romanen Den heliga flamman sett dagens ljus. Sidantalet är 192 och du kan till exempel köpa den här.

Handlingen: vi befinner oss i en värld kallad Manhem, en i och för sig ärevördig kultur med slott, vida skogar, gåtfulla varelser och magisk kraft. Tiden ifråga är dock degenererad; den kännetecknas av sådant som att att inga hjältar längre finns, folk står på banditernas sida, trohet och tradition är skämt och allt handlar om pengar och snöd vinning. I denna värld och i denna tid lever Parvan, den Svarte Riddaren, som frilansande hjälte. Men den där riktiga, heroiska glöden vill inte infinna sig. Ty tidsandan är emot hjältedåd av gammalt, klassiskt slag.

Så vad göra? Parvan finner till slut att han måste ta Steget, det förbjudna steg som alla varnat honom för: söka Tyrelion, Det brinnande svärdet, svärdet som kan få hela världen att brinna upp i en jättebrasa...!

Han måste dra svärdet för att råda bot på världens sjuka. Hur det går får du veta i romanen.

Jag har gett ut romaner förr. Mina två första var på svenska, Antropolis och Till Smaragdburg. Sedan kom två på engelska -- Redeeming Lucifer och Burning Magnesium -- som ännu finns att köpa. Och nu, äntligen, en roman av mig på svenska som finns i internetbokhandel.

Mycket nöje -- men kom ihåg, det är inte en roman med enbart softa scener och ljuva varelser. Nej här kan det även gå ganska hett till...!

Köp boken på Logik

En podd som behandlar romanen

Burning Magnesium
Redeeming Lucifer
Poddar med mig