söndag 13 oktober 2024

Good Reads, October 2024

Hello and welcome to this blog post. It is about books I've read rather recently.

So, where to begin...? We'll begin with a novel.

Gordon R. Dickson. The Final Encyclopedia (1984). -- A mid-80s sf novel, and as such one of the last of the readable mainstream sf works there is. After that mainstream sf went south into weirdness, irony and PC.

This novel isn't perfect but it's interesting. It tells of a hero in the 24th century, it tells of grand politics, of Faustian life in the galaxy. A little bit like Dune in stressing archaism along with spacetravel and all that.

It also tells of different cultures focused on respectively old-school religion, wisdom, and mercenary services. The latter is represented by the Dorsai clan of elite soldiers, and a previous novel in the series was the eponymous Dorsai (1959), which was excellent. After that Dickson tended to repeat himself but he stays GOOD ENOUGH throughout the series for me to enjoy it. -- Dickson was a bit like his contemporary and friend Poul Anderson, though with more edge.

More about Dickson in this "Good Reads" post.

So for another novel. The one illustrating this post with the photo above.

Robert Holdstock. Mythago Wood (1984). -- A mysterious forest beckons a modern man, entices him to enter and interact with figures from myth... I'd say, this is our situation today, we must heed the call of the MYTHAGO WOOD.

You could say that Mythago Wood is an historical-legendary abyss: the deeper you look into it, the deeper it looks into you... enter and have a hands-on rendez-vous with myth.

I portrayed this novel rather meticulously in Science Fiction Seen From the Right (2016). That was based on my first read in the 80s. Now, in 2024, I've bought the book and reread it. The experience was interesting: "wiser and older" I could still appreciate it, yea, even marvel at stuff. This is just an incomparable fantasy, topical for today's pagan revival.

That was two novels. To round this off, hereby two biographies.

It is about two great bios on two interesting Americans: Albert Goldman's Elvis (1981) and Russell Miller's Bare-Faced Messiah (1987), the latter about L. Ron Hubbard.

Both books are predominantly critical of their subjects. Nonetheless fascinating portraits are painted... with notable co-stars too... like colonel Tom Parker, the Memphis Mafia, Sam Philips, Tom Jones, Priscilla, and all the pertinent movie stars... and regarding LRH, John W. Campbell, van Vogt, Heinlein, Asimov, and Jack Parsons.

Good Reads, June 2022
Good Reads, March 2019

söndag 6 oktober 2024

Borderline -- presentation på svenska

Borderline kom ut 2015. Och finns fortfarande i tryck. Härmed en presentation på svenska.

Köp boken på Adlibris

Köp boken på Bokus

Borderline har hyllats i alla tonarter. Hör bara: "Svensson writes with a smooth ease..." (Heathen Harvest) -- "[A]n excellent survey of Perennialism." (N. M. Phoenix) -- "Svensson's work is held together by a clear red thread of perennial philosophy." (Sarastus) -- Länkar till alla dessa sajter finns längst ner på sidan.

Borderline -- A Traditionalist Outlook for Modern Man är grundboken i min trilogi av lagböcker. De andra två är Actionism och Astral War.

I Borderline får du en skiss över tillvarons natur. Över ontologi. Över metafysik.

Kort sagt, här presenteras hur Gud uppstod i begynnelsen: som en dualitet av tanke och vilja. Utsagan "Jag är" fullbordade det hela.

Människan, en del av Gud genom hennes inre ljus, har också tanke och vilja.

Det är kruxet.

Detta är kärnan i min doktrin.

Viktigast är detta med VILJA. Ingen annan doktrin proklamerar idag dess existens. Detta får du dig till livs i Borderline. Läs om Plotinus, om striden reduktionism-holism i modern vetenskap, om Jung och Goethes integrala synsätt, om Nietzsches andliga drag och om Edith Södergrans übermensch-poesi. Därtill något om iddér hos Rudolf Steiner, Ernst Jünger och T. S. Eliot.

Härmed några citat. Det blir på bokens originalspråk, engelska:

Scientists dream about ”a theory of everything”. But we’ll never find the answer strictly theoretically. We must realize that we ourselves are co-creators of the Cosmos. The future is open because will is free. And once we realize that, then we might be ”given access to the quiet chamber where God ponders the objects” (Södergran). [chapter 7, Anthropic Principle]

Ideas of the eternal quality of the essence of man, of his True Self, will come to the fore in the new era we’re heading for, the Sat Yuga of truth. In all courtesy I say, acknowledge this aspect of reality, give room for it and join me in the Light. [chapter 11, Veda Philosophy]

Today the Zeitgeist is in the throes of (...) chaos and confusion. A new sense of order is needed, a responsibility for the things in life that promote structure and harmony. In short, we need a more spiritual, holistic outlook. [chapter 17, The Chaotic Mindset]

Borderline ges ut av det australiska Numen Books, besläktat med Manticore som gett många andra av mina böcker. Sidantalet är 234. Formatet är trade paperback. Omslaget visar Caspar David Friedris målning "The Abbey in the Oakwood". Du kan till exempel köpa boken på Adlibris. Eller på Bokus.

Köp boken på Adlibris
Köp boken på Bokus
Engelskspråkiga recensioner:
Gangleri/nl recenserar boken
Boken recenserad av N. M. Phoenix
Sarastus recenserar boken
Heathen Harvest recenserar boken

fredag 4 oktober 2024

Preachment 7: Grand and glorious

It is preachment time again...

It is again time to preach, to make an arousing statement.

Previous installments of the series are:

Preachment 1: Veteran of the psychic wars
Preachment 2: The great army
Preachment 3: Free and fluid
Preachment 4: Triple time
Preachment 5: God and man
Preachment 6: Superman


And so we begin today's preachment... 4 October 2024.

I walk along... the Milky White way... night and day...

I am the mystic spiral, the magic vortex...

The loyalty of a believer is guaranteed by an oath. On the other hand, an atheist can only be controlled by blackmail.

Well, there you go... and I have faith, I have divine influxus...


I’m divine.

You could say: I’m a man, a physical body needing fuel and sleep, but in that body a soul is dwelling, a refined soul having a divine spark in it.

That’s what makes me divine. You could say that I’m a god, lower case g, acknowledging the top God. I’m a self-ordained god-man, realizing I have God within.

I am grand and glorious...
Grandiose and lofty...
I am palatial, august, elevated...
Rich, opulent, eminent...
Stately, luxurious, regal...
I am majestic.
I am sublime.
I am something else.

I am movement as a state. I am rest in action. I am action as being.

I am action man, dvāpara man... I am amen man, electric man... I am total man, absolute man, magician man.

I have become comfortably strong.


I meditate on the Absolute. I mobilize my Will in order to control my whole being – my whole human and divine gestalt – controlling every nerve, every muscle, every thought, every emotion.

I have transcended the human condition. I am total man, absolute man, responsible man – a divya, a vīra, existing “jenseits von Gut und Böse”.

Preachment 1: Veteran of the psychic wars
Preachment 2: The great army
Preachment 3: Free and fluid
Preachment 4: Triple time
Preachment 5: God and man
Preachment 6: Superman

tisdag 1 oktober 2024

"It opens many doors"

My book Actionism is still in print and still seelling. In fact, it's rather popular. All Amazon reviews give it 5/5.

On Amazon we read this review of Actionism: “A wonderful read! It opens many doors.”

Actionism is the probably only creed today advocating will. I say that will exists.

All others say that will is an illusion.

OK. If you say that, then don't read Actionism...!

Sum up your will, merge it with thought and you'll be going places. That's the gist of Actionism.

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In acronym form, these are the The Ten Basic Tenets of Actionism:
(1) C3 – Calm, Cool and Collected
(2) WTPOY – Will To Power Over Yourself
(3) MMM – Memento Mori Mindset
(4) ARYM – Action Raising You Mentally
(5) MAASOM – Movement As A State Of Mind
(6) WAP – Winning As Propensity
(7) RIA – Rest In Action
(8) RIR – Rest In Rest
(9) TIOHAN – There Is Only Here And Now
(10) ESWY – Everything Starts With You
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I am everywhere – and nowhere. I am everybody – and nobody. Call me – Actionist.

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Actionism is about shaping up and becoming a Responsible Man.

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Actionism is:
Winning as propensity –
action raising you mentally –
shaping existence positively –
in my willpower preachment monopoly.
- - -

“Actionism is about summoning your Will (...)”

Thus it reads at the beginning of Actionism – How to Become a Responsible Man.

I preach will, the importance of will. And I’m rather alone in this. No other contemporary writer stresses the elementary importance of will.

Thus, you have to read Actionism to learn the power of Will, Thought, the inner light and all that.

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Read Actionism. And become a worshipper of Will.

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“Mr. Svensson, may I ask what the formula is...?”

“The formula?”

“Summed up in one, short sentence, what is Actionism?”

“It’s this: ‘I Am’.”

- - -

The current state of the world is “a materialist hell”.

Actionism is come to save mankind from that hell.

Buy the book on Amazon.

Buy the book on Adlibris.

Presentation of the Book on This Blog
Burning Magnesium