In Swedish. -- Härmed en ny dikt. Den heter, som ni kan se, "Lyx".
Jag lever i lyx och sus och dus...
att leva i lyx är att leva i ljus --
"luxe, calme, et volupté"...
Jag har ett guldhus och en guldbil --
ett marmorhus och en marmortron --
"se hur alla fälten har vitnat till skörd"...
En grinande demon visar mig vägen till
underjordiska skatter -- genom faror och
vidrigheter går vägen till den dolda
skattkammaren, det hemliga valvet, där alla
ens önskningar går i uppfyllelse...
De tre vise männen gav det nyfödda
Jesusbarnet guld, rökelse, och myrra --
där myrra stod för VILJA, rökelse för
MEDKÄNSLA, och guld för TANKE -- så den
som är rik på guld är rik på ratio, han
är TANKFULL -- han är klurighetens kung, han
löser Klaus Schachts Knepiga Sidor, han
löser Dumnötens Tankenötter -- och i sin
ägo har han därtill en ekorre som knäcker andra
nötter, riktiga nötter är det men också
mycket märkliga nötter -- ty var nöt har i sig
en ädelsten -- så med denna ekorre i sin tjänst
blir man både rik och berömd.
Guldhus med guldbil... guldhus med guldrum...
samt ett bärnstensrum, det är mycket lyxigt...
organiska ädelstenar såsom pärla, korall och
bärnsten är liksom toppen av allt, de slår
ibland de klassiska kristallerna av typ rubin,
safir och smaragd... nog för att jag har dem
också, lyxmannen har allt... så jag pryder mina
salar med färgstenar överallt, allting skiner
så man blir nästan galen, "embarasse de richesse"...
men så är det, man ska inte spara på lyxen, nej
man ska ge med slösande hand... ett guldhus måste
ha en passande interiör, det ska va färgprakt inuti
och guldskimmer utanpå... c'est la largesse,
the abundance, der Überfluss -- överflödet helt enkelt...
Jag är så god som guld.
Byxdress i Düsseldorf
Svenska berättelser
måndag 24 januari 2022
onsdag 12 januari 2022
Great news
Great news, everyone...!
I am a writer. I write. Articles, for instance.
Now such an article -- by me -- has been published.
The site is the webzine Watkins MBS. It is a place for matters of "mind, body, spirit" (= MBS).
The title of my work is, Lucifer as Antihero (you must access it via my Twitter update; for some reason the link won't work directly here on Blogger). The article is about the way Lucifer became a sort of hero in John Milton's Paradise Lost. And after that lived on in artworks by William Blake, Byron, Gustave Doré, Odilon Rédon, etc.
You can find the text here.
For a brief summary I'd say: it began with Milton's Paradise Lost. An epic poem about man's existence in paradise, and how he was driven out because of the shenanigans of Lucifer. And in painting the background to why Lucifer acts as he does Milton creates a rather memorable portrait. Later, William Blake read Paradise Lost and saw that Lucifer is the real hero of the book. As I say in the article:
The article can be found on the Watkins MBS site.
Other than that, I spend these days building a golden palace.
Lucifer as Antihero
Swedish Mystique
Redeeming Lucifer
Illustration for John Milton's Paradise Lost by Gustave Doré (1866), showing Lucifer being thrown out of heaven
I am a writer. I write. Articles, for instance.
Now such an article -- by me -- has been published.
The site is the webzine Watkins MBS. It is a place for matters of "mind, body, spirit" (= MBS).
The title of my work is, Lucifer as Antihero (you must access it via my Twitter update; for some reason the link won't work directly here on Blogger). The article is about the way Lucifer became a sort of hero in John Milton's Paradise Lost. And after that lived on in artworks by William Blake, Byron, Gustave Doré, Odilon Rédon, etc.
You can find the text here.
For a brief summary I'd say: it began with Milton's Paradise Lost. An epic poem about man's existence in paradise, and how he was driven out because of the shenanigans of Lucifer. And in painting the background to why Lucifer acts as he does Milton creates a rather memorable portrait. Later, William Blake read Paradise Lost and saw that Lucifer is the real hero of the book. As I say in the article:
Blake saw what we today see as obvious, that Lucifer is actually the hero – or is it antihero? – of Paradise Lost. In The Marriage between Heaven and Hell (1794), Blake suggests that Milton was restrained when depicting what is generally accepted as ‘good’ but far more free when depicting supposed ‘evil’.From there I go on to tell more about Blake's "fire-and-movement" ethos, about Byron's Cain (which also has Lucifer as a kind of hero), etc. etc.
The article can be found on the Watkins MBS site.
Other than that, I spend these days building a golden palace.
Lucifer as Antihero
Swedish Mystique
Redeeming Lucifer
Illustration for John Milton's Paradise Lost by Gustave Doré (1866), showing Lucifer being thrown out of heaven
måndag 3 januari 2022
Steiner says: Kali Yuga ended in 1899
Good evening.
Our subject for today is only this short note.
It is about the Kali Yuga. This is mentioned quite a lot these days.
And some say that it will go on for rather a long time.
I disagree. Based on the below.
For Rudolf Steiner, for his part, meant: Kali Yuga ended in 1899.
And in various ways, this is supported by Paramahaṃsa Yogānanda and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Now then, the sources for these three items so that you can check them up:
1. Steiner: Olav Hammer, Profeter mot strömmen, W&W 1999, p. 318.
2. Yogānanda: Paramahaṃsa Yogānanda, God Talks With Arjuna, Self-Realization Fellowship 1999, p. 733-735.
3. Melchizedek: Drunvalo Melchizedek, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Light Technology Publishing 1998, p. 101.
In other words: rejoice! We have the trials and tribulations of Kali Yuga behind us. According to Melchizedek (ibid) we are now in Dwapara Yuga, heading for Treta and Satya Yuga. Good times ahead!
Primordial History: Hyperborea
Biography of Svensson
Our subject for today is only this short note.
It is about the Kali Yuga. This is mentioned quite a lot these days.
And some say that it will go on for rather a long time.
I disagree. Based on the below.
For Rudolf Steiner, for his part, meant: Kali Yuga ended in 1899.
And in various ways, this is supported by Paramahaṃsa Yogānanda and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Now then, the sources for these three items so that you can check them up:
1. Steiner: Olav Hammer, Profeter mot strömmen, W&W 1999, p. 318.
2. Yogānanda: Paramahaṃsa Yogānanda, God Talks With Arjuna, Self-Realization Fellowship 1999, p. 733-735.
3. Melchizedek: Drunvalo Melchizedek, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Light Technology Publishing 1998, p. 101.
In other words: rejoice! We have the trials and tribulations of Kali Yuga behind us. According to Melchizedek (ibid) we are now in Dwapara Yuga, heading for Treta and Satya Yuga. Good times ahead!
Primordial History: Hyperborea
Biography of Svensson
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