onsdag 11 december 2024

Poddar med mig: fortfarande online

In Swedish. -- Jag medverkar ibland i poddar. Härmed en lista.

Poddar med mig som gäst -- det ska vi tala om här. Alla länkar funkar, alla avsnitt finns ännu online.

Vi börjar i Sverige.

Det handlar om poddar i Jalle Horns serie "På gamla och nya stigar". De är från 2021-2023. Och alla utom en handlar om tyskar och tysk kultur. Alla avsnitt bjuder på unik visdom, klingande retorik och osökt infotainment.

Vi börjar med en om Ernst Jünger, som jag är expert på.

Jüngertemat fortsätter med en podd om hans roman På Marmorklipporna från 1939.


Så går vi till poddar med mig om Wagner... från 2023. Dessa två:

Del 1: allmän rundmålning här.

Del 2: om Nibelungens ring här.


Härmed en podd som handlar om Oswald Spengler. Den gjordes hösten 2021.

Sedan har vi en podd om Mahâbhârata.

Härmed ännu en Jalle-podd med mig. Den handlar om den tyske fältherren Moltke.


Det var allt. På den svenska fronten. Det finns även två engelskspråkiga poddavsnitt med mig på nätet.

Bägge har mig som gäst hos Henrik Palmgren på Red Ice Radio.

Här är en från 2017 om Science Fiction From the Right.

Och här är en från 2018 om Actionism mm.

Sammantaget är det hela exempel på ljuva predikostunder av mig, Shri Shri Agnideva Svensson, solguru för hela denna epok, sanningens profet i den palearktiska zonen och där bortom.

Mina böcker: köpställen
Leningrad 1987
Begravningskapellet, Härnösands domkyrka

lördag 7 december 2024

Preachment 8: I AM

O Disciple, hear me preach...

You know the drill... preachment time is here again...

Previous parts of the series are:

Preachment 1: Veteran of the psychic wars
Preachment 2: The great army
Preachment 3: Free and fluid
Preachment 4: Triple time
Preachment 5: God and man
Preachment 6: Superman
Preachment 7: Grand and glorious


And so we begin today's preachment... 7 December 2024.

I affirm my own being... in short, I AM.

Also, I affirm my culture – traditional culture – spiritual culture.

Without spirituality, without esotericism, without transcendentalism, there can be no viable culture. Having music, literature etc. merely centered on everyday reality, leads out into sterility and monotony.

There has to be a sense of “something else” in all our musical striving and shaping.

The same goes with politics. A traditional society is one doing more than simply saying to its citizens to pay the taxes and shut up. It’s about more than simply having the communications running, the trade functioning smoothly, and the borders defended. It’s about enabling its citizens to eventually ascend, to realize their full potential, to become what they spiritually are: fragments of the divine light, Lux Aeterna.


In short, we need divine influxus. In our beings, in society, in art... everywhere.

No one else preaches this today. Everybody else pretending to know something just preaches death, sterility, and nonsense. OK... it might be that we have advocates today for traditional religon, or for some well-meaning philosophy allowing for divine presence... but it is all insufficient, predictable, unsuitable for a generation brainwashed by wokeness.

We need a doctrine transcending all known borders... we need a doctrine preaching a more complex, and yet more simple God... we need divine influxus, we need the I AM statement to get going again... and my doctrine Actionism teaches all this.


Affirm God, affirm the influxus.

Shape your existence positively. Make your life into an intelligence operation, letting action raise you mentally. Shape your life, make it into a virtual artwork.

+++ Summon up your will-thought and thrive in all the worlds.

Neglect it and be devoured by the Demiurge, the Eagle, the blind idiot god writhing in the heart of the cosmos to the monotonous piping of a demon flute.

Let your will-thought embrace light, and thus, depolarize the dark.

There is no neutrality in this.

There might be vast gray areas in between Light and Darkness. But conceptual, viable neutrality? No. Not from the Actionist point of view.


The fundamental concept of human existence is I AM.

This is the victorious mindset in a nutshell.

This is ethical ontology in a nutshell.

This is Actionism in a nutshell.

"It opens many doors"
Artwork by Rob